


Crack the Text 1の本文です。3分以内に読んで理解できることが目標です。次のページから始まる問題を解く前に、なるべく多く理解できることを目標にして時間を計り読んでみましょう。

How Nature's Beauties Dance with the Sun

Flowers are amazing parts of plants that can do some really cool things when they sense light. Imagine you're a flower, and the sun is shining down on you. When you feel the warm sunlight, you might want to stretch out and soak up all that energy, right? Well, flowers kind of do the same thing!

You see, flowers have special sensors called "photoreceptors." These sensors can detect when it's bright outside and when it's dark. When they feel the sunlight, these photoreceptors send a message to the flower, saying, "Hey, it's bright! Let's open up and show off our beautiful petals!"

So, when the sun rises in the morning, many flowers begin to open up. They spread their petals wide to catch as much sunlight as they can. This is like their way of saying, "Good morning, world!"

But what happens when the sun goes down? Well, the flowers start to feel the darkness, and their photoreceptors tell them, "It's getting dark now. Time to rest." So, they close up their petals, like folding them up for bedtime. This helps them conserve energy and stay safe during the night.

Some flowers even have a fancy trick where they can track the movement of the sun across the sky. They turn their faces to follow the sun's path from east to west throughout the day. It's like they're doing a little dance with the sun!

So, flowers are like little sun-loving creatures. They open up to bask in the sunlight during the day and close up when it gets dark. It's their way of staying healthy, happy, and beautiful!

(269 words)

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