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① 高校1、2年生用

② 共通テスト長文英語対策

③ 国公私立大入試長文英語対策















①~④に適するものをA. ~ D. より選んで下さい。

Graphene, unveiled in 2004 by Geim and Novoselov, is a single layer of carbon atoms forming a hexagonal lattice.
( ① )
In the realm of energy conversion, graphene plays a pivotal role, contributing to advancements in efficient solar cells and advanced battery technologies.
( ② )
Furthermore, graphene's application in environmental sensors contributes to enhanced monitoring and pollution control, showcasing its potential impact on sustainability and technological progress.
( ③ )
In summary, graphene's discovery revolutionized materials science, driving progress in electronics, energy, medicine, and environmental monitoring.
( ④ )


While promising for addressing global challenges, overcoming existing hurdles is crucial for practical implementation and determining its transformative impact on various industries in the future.


Renowned for its extraordinary strength, surpassing steel, and high electrical conductivity, graphene exhibits transparency and flexibility, enhancing its versatility. The material's significance extends across various domains, notably in electronics where it holds promise for high-speed devices and flexible displays.


Its lightweight and robust nature make it a potential revolutionary material in aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. Medical applications include graphene-based biosensors and imaging technologies, anticipated to improve diagnostics and treatments.


Despite its groundbreaking properties, challenges such as production costs, scalability, and safety concerns persist, necessitating sustainable manufacturing processes for widespread adoption.









11. これらの用途は、持続可能性と技術の進歩へのグラフェンの潜在的な影響を強調しています。
and advancing technology.
graphene's potential impact
on sustainability
these applications

12. 将来を見据えると、グラフェンの未来は課題の克服にかかっています。
looking ahead,
on overcoming
the future of graphene

13. その特性は画期的な解決策を提供する一方で、生産費用、拡張性、安全上の懸念といった問題は残ったままです。
and safety concerns persist.
groundbreaking solutions,
issues such as
production costs, scalability,
while its properties offer

14. 持続可能な製造工程と環境への影響への対処が、普及には不可欠です。
and addressing
are critical
environmental impacts
for widespread adoption.
sustainable manufacturing processes

15. 要約すると、グラフェンの発見は材料科学に革命をもたらし、その卓越した特性は電子機器、エネルギー、医療、環境モニタリングの進歩に拍車をかけました。
and environmental monitoring.
energy, medicine,
fueling advancements in electronics,
has revolutionized materials science,
in summary, graphene's discovery
with its exceptional properties

16. 気候変動や資源効率といった世界的な課題解決への、この材料の貢献が期待できます。
and resource efficiency,
are promising.
climate change
such as
the material's contributions
to addressing global challenges,

17. しかし、その実用化を確実にするには、既存の課題に対処し(する必要があり)、最終的には、今後数年間でさまざまな産業への変革的影響の範囲を決定する必要があります。
ultimately determining
the extent of its transformative impact
requires addressing existing challenges,
on various industries
in the coming years.
however, ensuring its practical implementation

18. 2004年に発見されたグラフェンは、炭素原子が六角形に配列した超強力な薄い層です。
arranged in a hexagon.
graphene is a super-strong,
thin layer of carbon atoms
discovered in 2004,

19. それは多くの分野で役立たせる素晴らしい特性を持っています。
cool properties
in many areas.
it has
that make it useful

20. それは鋼鉄よりも強く、電気をよく通します。
and conducts
electricity well.
it's stronger
than steel











21. It's also handy for environmental sensors that monitor and control pollution.

handy for = ~に便利
environmental sensors = 環境センサー
monitor and control = 監視し制御する
pollution = 汚染

22. These uses show how graphene can make things more sustainable and advanced.

these uses = これらの用途
show = ~を示している
how = いかに
can make = ~(に)できるか
things = 物事を
more sustainable and advanced = より持続可能で高度に

23. Looking forward, challenges like cost and safety need solutions for graphene to shine.

looking forward = 今後
challenges like = ~といった課題
cost and safety = 費用や安全性
need solutions = 解決が必要
to shine = 輝かせるために

24. Sustainable production and less environmental impact are key.

sustainable production = 持続可能な生産
less environmental impact = 環境負荷の低減
key = 鍵

25. In a nutshell, graphene, found by Geim and Novoselov, rocks in science.

in a nutshell = 一言で言えば
rocks in science = 科学界を揺るがす

26. It powers up electronics, energy, medicine, and environmental care.

powers up = 強化する

27. It could be a big help in solving global issues, but solving problems like cost and safety is crucial for it to really take off.

could be = ~になるかもしれません
a big help = 大きな助け
in solving global issues = 地球規模の問題解決には
solving problems = 問題を解決すること
crucial = 重要
to really take off = 本格的に普及させるには











(11) What is graphene's potential impact on sustainability, as mentioned in the passages?
a) It has no impact on sustainability.
b) It harms the environment.
c) It increases pollution.
d) It contributes to resource efficiency.

(12) According to the passages, what industry could benefit from graphene's lightweight and robust nature?
a) Agriculture
b) Fashion
c) Aerospace
d) Food industry

(13) What can be inferred about the significance of graphene's transparency and flexibility?
a) It limits its applications.
b) It makes it adaptable for various uses.
c) It weakens its structural integrity.
d) It reduces its electrical conductivity.

(14) Based on the passages, why is addressing environmental impacts considered critical for the widespread adoption of graphene?
a) Graphene is harmful to the environment.
b) Graphene is transparent.
c) Graphene has no impact on the environment.
d) Graphene's potential benefits may be compromised without sustainable practices.

(15) What can be inferred about the challenges mentioned in the future of graphene?
a) Overcoming them is essential for graphene's success.
b) They have no impact on graphene's potential.
c) They are insurmountable.
d) They are unrelated to safety concerns.

(16) How does graphene's potential in electronics connect to its contributions in energy conversion?
a) Electronics and energy conversion are unrelated.
b) Electronics benefit from graphene's transparency.
c) Graphene's high electrical conductivity aids both fast gadgets and energy tech.
d) Energy conversion is hindered by graphene's transparency.

(17) How does the use of graphene in medicine connect to its applications in environmental sensors?
a) Medicine and environmental monitoring are unrelated.
b) Graphene's flexibility is crucial in both fields.
c) Environmental sensors have no connection to graphene.
d) Graphene's biosensors improve diagnostics, while environmental sensors enhance pollution control.

(18) What is the connection between graphene's remarkable properties and the challenges it faces in the future?
a) Its properties contribute to solutions, but challenges like production costs and safety concerns persist.
b) The challenges arise from its lack of transparency.
c) Graphene's properties have no impact on its challenges.
d) Challenges are unrelated to graphene's properties.

(19) In what way does graphene outperform steel, as mentioned in the passages?
a) Graphene is more rigid than steel.
b) Graphene is weaker but more transparent than steel.
c) Graphene is stronger than steel.
d) Graphene has no impact on steel.

(20) Contrast the contributions of graphene in energy conversion and its potential impact on sustainability.
a) Energy conversion has no relation to sustainability.
b) Energy conversion is hindered by graphene's transparency, while sustainability is enhanced by its lightweight nature.
c) Both involve environmental impacts.
d) Energy conversion and sustainability are unrelated.












Graphene, discovered in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Its remarkable properties have garnered significant attention in various fields. With exceptional strength, graphene outperforms steel and possesses high electrical conductivity. Its transparency and flexibility add to its versatility.
The contributions of graphene extend across diverse applications. In electronics, it holds promise for high-speed devices and flexible displays. The material's potential in energy conversion is significant, fostering developments in efficient solar cells and advanced battery technologies. Graphene's lightweight and robust nature make it a candidate for revolutionary materials in aerospace, automotive, and construction industries.
In the medical field, graphene-based biosensors and imaging technologies are anticipated to enhance diagnostics and treatments. The material's use in environmental sensors promotes improved monitoring and pollution control. These applications underscore graphene's potential impact on sustainability and advancing technology.
Looking ahead, the future of graphene hinges on overcoming challenges. While its properties offer groundbreaking solutions, issues such as production costs, scalability, and safety concerns persist. Sustainable manufacturing processes and addressing environmental impacts are critical for widespread adoption.
In summary, graphene's discovery has revolutionized materials science, with its exceptional properties fueling advancements in electronics, energy, medicine, and environmental monitoring. The material's contributions to addressing global challenges, such as climate change and resource efficiency, are promising. However, ensuring its practical implementation requires addressing existing challenges, ultimately determining the extent of its transformative impact on various industries in the coming years.
Discovered in 2004, graphene is a super-strong, thin layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagon. It has cool properties that make it useful in many areas. It's stronger than steel and conducts electricity well. It's also see-through and bendy, making it versatile.
Graphene is used in different ways. In electronics, it can make fast gadgets and flexible screens. It's also big in energy tech, helping make better solar cells and batteries. In industries like aerospace and construction, its lightweight but tough nature is a game-changer.
In medicine, graphene helps with better tests and imaging. It's also handy for environmental sensors that monitor and control pollution. These uses show how graphene can make things more sustainable and advanced.
Looking forward, challenges like cost and safety need solutions for graphene to shine. Sustainable production and less environmental impact are key.
In a nutshell, graphene, found by Geim and Novoselov, rocks in science. It powers up electronics, energy, medicine, and environmental care. It could be a big help in solving global issues, but solving problems like cost and safety is crucial for it to really take off.

(429 words)










このブログでは英語の家が作成し、利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は中学2年の英語教科書Unit 7-1で学習した文法を使った定着問題の一部です。

1. 彼女は大きな病院に搬送されました。
to a large hospital.
she was

2. 手術代は一杯の牛乳で全額支払われました。
with one glass of milk.
the surgery was paid
in full

3. 多くの親たちが学校の音楽祭に招待されました。
were invited
to the school music festival.
lots of parents

4. その生徒たちの歌声は世界の多くの国々で聴かれました。
around the world.
in many countries
the students' singing was heard

5. この川の水は身体に良いと言われています。
good for the body.
is said to be
the water of this river

6. あの家は100年前に建てられました。
100 years ago.
that house
was built

7. 彼の話は誤解されました。
his story

8. マラソンは1時間前に始められました。
was started
the marathon
an hour ago.

9. その有名な絵は、昨年美術館から盗まれました。
was stolen
the famous painting
from the museum last year.

10. その絵は2年後に外国で発見されました。
two years later
the painting was found
in a foreign country.










このブログでは英語の家が作成し、利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は中学2年の英語教科書Unit 7-1で学習した単語を使った定着問題の一部です。

1. 私は昨年、オーストラリアでいくつかの独特な動物を見ました。
some unique animals
in Australia last year.
I saw

2. この戦争は私たちの貴重な文化を破壊するでしょう。
will destroy
this war
our precious culture.

3. 彼女は3冊の雑誌を選び、レジに向かいました。
three magazines
she selected
and went to the cash register.

4. 私はこの靴を自分の目で見て、明日のパーティに履いていくことに決めました。
to the party tomorrow.
and decided to wear them
I saw these shoes with my own eyes

5. 私には、このタイプの電話は初めてで、使い方がわかりません。
and I don't know how to use it.
is new to me
this type of phone

6. 豚を自然の中で飼うのはいいことです。
in nature.
it is good
to keep pigs

7. 彼女はアフリカ文化史を5年間学んだ。
African cultural history
for five years.
she studied

8. 雪混じりの冷たい雨でした。
cold rain
it was
mixed with snow.

9. その新任の先生は図書館の本の品揃えの良さに驚きました。
by the good book selection
in the library.
the new teacher was surprised

10. 彼は標準英語を話せませんでした。
could not speak
standard English.

11. あなたは訪問したい国を決めましたか?
you want to visit?
which country
did you decide

12. 会議に出席していた人々は、会議場の外の大きな音を聞きました。
heard the big sound
outside the conference hall.
the people at the conference

13. 私たちは国中でおいしいレストランを見つけることができます。
all over the country.
good restaurants
we can find

明日は中学2年の英語教科書Unit 7-1で学習した文法を使った定着問題の一部をご紹介します。









このブログでは英語の家が作成し、利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は中学2年の英語教科書Unit 7-1で学習した内容を英語で問う問題の一部です。


1. There are a lot of unique and precious places in the world. (True, False)

2. Some of unique and precious places are selected as World Heritage sites. (True, False)

3. The selection standards were decided at the UNESCO General Conference in 1927. (True, False)

4. World Heritage sites are not selected only for their own countries. (True, False)


1. When were the selection standards for World Heritage sites established?
a) 1962
b) 1972
c) 1982
d) 1992

2. How many types of World Heritage sites are there?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

明日は中学2年の英語教科書Unit 7-1で学習した単語を使った定着問題の一部をご紹介します。









このブログでは英語の家が作成し、利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は中学1年の英語教科書Unit 9-1で学習した文法を使った定着問題の一部です。文法力増強にご利用下さい。

1. 私は野球をすることが好きです。
to play
I like

2. 彼は歌手になりたい。
to be
he wants
a singer.

3. 私は上手いテニス選手になりたい。
to be
a good tennis player.
I want

4. トムは写真を撮影することが好きです。
to take
Tom likes

5. 彼女は公園で走ることが好きです。
to run
she likes
in the park.

6. 昨夜、雨が降り始めました。
to rain
last night.
it started

7. 昨夜、雪が降り始めました。
to snow
last night.
it began

8. 英語を話してみよう。
to speak
let’s try

9. 私の姉妹は私にもう一度すぐに会いたがりました。
to see me again
my sister wanted

10. ナンシーは医者になりたかった。
to become
a doctor.
Nancy wanted

今日の教材も、まだ販売していません。しばらくお待ちください。明日は中学2年の英語教科書Unit 7-1で学習した内容を英語で問う問題の一部をご紹介します。








このブログでは英語の家が作成し、利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は中学1年の英語教科書Unit 9-1で学習した単語を使った定着問題の一部です。語彙力増強にご利用下さい。

1. 私の従姉妹(いとこ)がアメリカから遊びに来て(訪れて)います。
from America.
is visiting us
my cousin

2. 私の両親は10年前、カナダで医者として働いていました。
ten years ago.
my parents worked
as doctors in Canada

3. 彼女の母親は看護師として病院で働いています。
as a nurse.
for the hospital
her mother works

4. 今日、彼のクラスには7人の病気の生徒がいました。
in his class.
seven sick students
today, there were

5. 私の母はいつも困っている人々を支えようとしていました。
to support
people in need.
my mother always tried

6. 私はこの国で困っているすべての人を助けるために最善を尽くしています。
to help all the people in need
in this country.
I am doing my best

7. 私は自分の国が大好きです。
my country.

8. 佐藤さんはこの病院で子供の医者をしています。
at this hospital.
as a doctor for children
Mr. Sato works

9. この質問はあなたにとって難しいですか?
for you?
is this question

10. 彼らはベストを尽くそうとしたが、昨日の試合では負けました。
but they lost
in yesterday's game.
they tried their best,

11. 将来のために一生懸命勉強しなさい。
study hard
your future.










このブログでは英語の家が作成し、利用している教材を紹介しています。今日も正誤問題と4択問題の一部をご紹介します。この問題は中学1年の英語教科書Unit 9-1で学習した内容を英語で問う問題です。内容はすでに理解していますから、生徒の皆さんは容易く解けるでしょう。また、知らない英単語もこれなら徐々に覚えてしまい、語彙力増強にうってつけです。


1. Meg wants to be a doctor in the future. (True, False)

2. Lily Smith works at a small hospital in Kenya. (True, False)

3. Lily Smith works as a doctor in various countries. (True, False)

4. Meg is unsure about her future job. (True, False)


1. What does Meg want to be in the future?
a) Teacher
b) Doctor
c) Engineer
d) Scientist

2. Where is Lily Smith now working as a doctor?
a) United States
b) Kenya
c) Australia
d) England

3. What does Lily Smith do every day at her job?
a) Teaches
b) Helps sick people
c) Engineers
d) Scientists

4. Why does Meg like Lily Smith?
a) For working in a big hospital
b) For always doing her best to help people
c) For having an easy job
d) For making speeches













1. Otsuberu gave the elephant a clock and shoes.

2. The elephant was unhappy with the clock and shoes.

3. Otsuberu asked the elephant to fetch firewood the next day.

4. The word "琥珀" means "chain" in English.

5. The elephant was delighted with the makeshift shoe decoration.

6. Otsuberu's main focus was on clock manufacturing.

7. The elephant fetched water reluctantly.


1. What did Otsuberu give to the elephant first?
a) Shoes
b) Clock
c) Chain
d) Weight

2. How did the elephant feel about the clock and shoes?
a) Indifferent
b) Unhappy
c) Pleased
d) Confused

3. What task did Otsuberu ask the elephant to do the next day?
a) Carry firewood
b) Fetch water
c) Bring food
d) Plant seeds

4. What does the word "琥珀" mean in English?
a) Clock
b) Pipe
c) Amber
d) Chain

5. In the context of the passage, what does "税金" refer to?
a) Water
b) Firewood
c) Tax
d) Food

6. What does Otsuberu's interaction with the elephant primarily highlight?
a) Otsuberu's generosity
b) The elephant's dislike for accessories
c) The elephant's willingness to cooperate
d) Otsuberu's love for clocks

7. What is the main focus of the passage?
a) Elephant's daily activities
b) Otsuberu's financial gains
c) Communication between Otsuberu and the elephant
d) Clock manufacturing process













1. Otsuberu is using six pieces of rice processing machinery for farming. (True, False)

2. Farmers are helping Otsuberu with the rice processing work. (True, False)

3. Otsuberu is smoking a large amber pipe. (True, False)

4. Otsuberu gets hungry from the work and satisfies his hunger using the new rice processing machinery. (True, False)

5. The white elephant came from the forest to Otsuberu's workplace. (True, False)

6. The farmers were surprised when the white elephant arrived, but they focused on their work. (True, False)

7. When Otsuberu first saw the elephant, he quickly put his hands in his pockets. (True, False)


1. What does Otsuberu do while the peasants are busy working with the rice processing machines?
a. Helps with the machines.
b. Watches with a big amber pipe.
c. Takes a lunch break.
d. Leaves for the forest.

2. Why were the peasants surprised when the white elephant appeared at the shed's entrance?
a. They thought it might attack.
b. They were afraid it would damage the machines.
c. They didn't expect its presence.
d. All of the above.

3. How did Otsuberu react when the white elephant first appeared?
a. Panicked and shouted for help.
b. Ignored the elephant and kept working.
c. Subtly observed the elephant without fear.
d. Tried to scare the elephant away.

4. In the passage, what does the word "琥珀" refer to?
a. Elephant
b. Pipe
c. Rice
d. Amber

5. What does the term "籾" represent in the context of the story?
a. Elephant's trunk
b. Rice straw
c. Peasant's tool
d. Otsuberu's pipe

6. What is the main event that disrupts the peasants' work in the story?
a. Sudden rainstorm
b. Arrival of a white elephant
c. Otsuberu's accident
d. Breakdown of the rice processing machines

7. How did Otsuberu ultimately react to the white elephant's presence?
a. Became angry and chased it away.
b. Remained indifferent and continued working.
c. Tried to communicate with the elephant.
d. Called for help from the peasants.










このブログでは英語の家が作成し、利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は共通テスト長文英語対策問題の Take a break! のコーナーをご紹介します。

A Boy

This happened to my aunt and it was so freaky I will never forget it.
My aunt and uncle bought a cool old Victorian building in a small town about 40 miles outside of Austin.
My aunt and uncle moved out a few years ago for work reasons and the house is now a successful bed and breakfast.
Why anyone would pay to sleep there is beyond me, though.
When my aunt and uncle still lived in the house, their daughter and her younger brother also lived there with them.
Nathan, the son, was about 7 years old at the time.
One day, my aunt was home alone with my uncle and daughter at work, Nathan at school, and the cleaning lady had already left.
My aunt was working in her study.
In this house, when you sat at the desk in the study, you could see the foot of the stairs.
She was working at the computer there when she looked up and saw a young boy sitting at the foot of the stairs, staring at her.
He was about the same age as Nathan and she assumed he was a friend of Nathan's from school.
She asked the boy his name, but he did not answer.
She thought he was strange and told him to go to school or go home.
She looked at the computer screen for a moment and when she looked up, he was gone.
When Nathan came home from school that day, she told him that one of his friends had been in the house.
He said, no way, all my friends were at school together.
As she described the boy, Nathan's face hardened.
He said, oh, yes. I know that boy.
He comes to play from my closet sometimes at night.
My aunt and cousin were upset and told him to stop talking about messed up things and to go outside and play.
A few months later, my aunt researched the history of the house and discovered that an eight-year-old boy had been run over and killed by a car in front of the house in the 1970s.
She found an old newspaper article on the Internet about the boy's death, along with a familiar photo.
The boy was the same one who had been staring at her on the stairs that day.

(390 words)











下にある本文の要約文の内、①~④に適するものを、A. ~ D. より選んで下さい。

Origins and Early Development of Affirmative Action:

( ① )

Development and Controversies in the 1970s:

( ② )

Challenges and Evolution:

( ③ )

Current Status and Outlook for the Future:

( ④ )


The current status of Affirmative Action varies globally, with the U.S. facing ongoing legal and political scrutiny. Some universities and employers actively implement diversity programs, while others encounter legal constraints or public resistance. The effectiveness of Affirmative Action in achieving its intended goals remains a topic of heated debate, with studies yielding mixed results on its impact on reducing inequality. Looking ahead, the future of Affirmative Action is uncertain, dependent on evolving social attitudes, legal interpretations, and demographic changes. Calls for comprehensive reform and alternative strategies may gain momentum, emphasizing the need for ongoing dialogue, a nuanced understanding of complex issues, and a commitment to fostering inclusive societies beyond Affirmative Action policies.


Affirmative Action, a policy addressing historical discrimination and promoting equal opportunities, emerged in the early 1960s as part of the U.S. civil rights movement. It gained momentum with the enactment of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. President Lyndon B. Johnson's 1965 Executive Order urged federal agencies to take Affirmative Action, marking a crucial step towards ensuring equality.


Over the decades, Affirmative Action has faced challenges and criticisms. Opponents argue it can lead to reverse discrimination and undermine meritocracy. Critiques, suggesting that preferences based on race or gender may exclude qualified individuals from majority groups, have fueled legal battles, leading some states to ban or restrict its use in public institutions.


In the 1970s, Affirmative Action became particularly prominent in higher education and employment, expanding its role in countering discriminatory practices and fostering diversity. However, debates over its legitimacy and effectiveness intensified. The 1978 Supreme Court case, Bakke v. University of California, established that while race-based preferences in university admissions were constitutional, strict numerical quotas were not.

今日の教材はこちらよりご購入いただけます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は共通テスト長文英語対策問題の Take a break! のコーナーをご紹介します。










1. Affirmative Action, a policy aimed at addressing historical discrimination and promoting equal opportunities for underrepresented groups, has a complex history.

カンマとカンマの間はAffirmative Actionを説明しています
Affirmative Action = アファーマティブ・アクション(積極的差別是正措置)小文字で書く時もあります
a policy aimed at = ~を目的とした政策
addressing = ~に対処し
historical discrimination = 歴史的な差別
promoting = ~を促進すること
equal opportunities = 機会均等
for underrepresented groups = 過小評価されているグループに対する
a complex history = 複雑な歴史

2. Initially emerging in the early 1960s as part of the U.S. civil rights movement, it gained momentum with the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, which prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

initially = 当初は
emerging = 登場し
in the early 1960s = 1960年代初頭に
as part of = ~の一環として
civil rights movement = 公民権運動
it = Affirmative Action
gained momentum = 勢いを増した
with the passage of = ~の成立と共に
the Civil Rights Act = 公民権法
prohibited = 禁止した
discrimination based on = ~による差別

3. President Lyndon B. Johnson's Executive Order in 1965 marked a crucial step by urging federal agencies to take Affirmative Action to ensure equality.

President Lyndon B. Johnson's = リンドン・B・ジョンソン大統領の
Executive Order = 大統領令
marked a crucial step = 重要な一歩を踏み出した
by urging = 促したことにより
federal agencies = 連邦政府機関
to take = ~をとるように
to ensure equality = 平等を確保するために

4. In the 1970s, Affirmative Action became more prominent, particularly in higher education and employment.

in the 1970s = 1970年代に入ると
more prominent = さらに顕著に
particularly in = 特に~において
higher education = 高等教育
employment = 雇用

5. The policy sought to counteract discriminatory practices and foster diversity.

the policy = この政策
sought to = ~(する)ことを追及した
counteract = ~に対抗する
discriminatory practices = 差別的慣行
foster = ~を育む
diversity = 多様性

6. However, debates over its legitimacy and effectiveness intensified.

debates over = ~をめぐる議論
its legitimacy = その正当性
effectiveness = 有効性
intensified = 激化した

7. The 1978 Supreme Court case Bakke v. University of California established that while race-based preferences in university admissions were constitutional, strict numerical quotas were not.

Supreme Court case = 最高裁判例
Bakke v. University of California = バッケ対カリフォルニア大学
established that = ~を立証した
while = ~だが
race-based preferences = 人種に基づく優遇措置
university admissions = 大学入試
constitutional = 合憲
strict numerical quotas = 厳格な数値割当
were not = 合憲ではない

8. Over the decades, Affirmative Action has faced challenges and criticisms.

over the decades = 数十年にわたり
has faced = ~に直面してきた
challenges = 課題
criticisms = 批判

9. Opponents argue that it can lead to reverse discrimination and undermine the principle of meritocracy.

opponents = 反対派
argue that = ~と主張します
it = Affirmative Action
can = 可能性がある(leadとundermineにかかります)
lead to = ~につながる
reverse discrimination = 逆差別
undermine = ~を損なう
the principle of = ~の原則
meritocracy = 能力主義

10. They contend that preferences based on race or gender may result in the exclusion of qualified individuals from majority groups.

they = opponents
contend that = ~と主張する
preferences based on = ~に基づく優遇
race or gender = 人種や性別
may result = 結果になりかねない
in the exclusion of = ~の排除という
qualified individuals = 有能な人材
majority groups = 多数派グループ











1. 歴史的な差別に対処し、過小評価されているグループに対する機会均等を促進することを目的とした政策、アファーマティブ・アクション(積極的差別是正措置)は、複雑な歴史があります。
has a complex history.
for underrepresented groups,
and promoting equal opportunities
aimed at addressing historical discrimination
Affirmative Action, a policy

2. 当初は1960年代初頭に米国の公民権運動の一環として登場し、人種、肌の色、宗教、性別、国籍による差別を禁止した、1964年の公民権法の成立と共に勢いを増しました。
with the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964,
which prohibited discrimination
it gained momentum
initially emerging in the early 1960s
based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
as part of the U.S. civil rights movement,

3. 1965年のリンドン・B・ジョンソン大統領の大統領令は、連邦政府機関に平等を確保するためにアファーマティブ・アクションをとるよう促したことにより、重要な一歩を踏み出しました。
to take Affirmative Action to ensure equality.
marked a crucial step
by urging federal agencies
President Lyndon B. Johnson's
Executive Order in 1965

4. 1970年代に入ると、アファーマティブ・アクションは、特に高等教育と雇用においてさらに顕著になりました。
particularly in higher education
more prominent,
in the 1970s, Affirmative Action became
and employment.

5. この政策は、差別的慣行に対抗し、多様性を育むことを追及していました。
to counteract
the policy sought
discriminatory practices
and foster

6. しかし、その正当性と有効性をめぐる議論が激化しました。
over its legitimacy
however, debates
and effectiveness

7. 1978年のバッケ対カリフォルニア大学の最高裁判例は、大学入試における人種に基づく優遇措置は合憲であるが、厳格な数値割当は合憲ではないことを立証しました。
Bakke v. University of California established
in university admissions were constitutional,
strict numerical quotas were not.
that while race-based preferences
the 1978 Supreme Court case

8. 数十年にわたり、アファーマティブ・アクションは課題と批判に直面してきました。
Affirmative Action
challenges and criticisms.
has faced
over the decades,

9. 反対派は、それは逆差別につながり、能力主義の原則を損なう可能性があると主張しています。
and undermine
opponents argue
that it can lead
the principle of meritocracy.
to reverse discrimination

10. 彼らは、人種や性別に基づく優遇は、多数派グループから有能な人材の排除という結果になりかねないと主張しています。
based on race or gender
from majority groups.
may result in the exclusion
of qualified individuals
they contend that preferences











(01) What is the main purpose of Affirmative Action as described in the passage?
a) To establish strict numerical quotas in employment and education.
b) To address historical discrimination and promote equal opportunities.
c) To exclude qualified individuals from majority groups.
d) To eliminate the principle of meritocracy.

(02) What challenges do opponents of Affirmative Action raise, according to the passage?
a) Arguments in favor of reverse discrimination.
b) Concerns about the exclusion of qualified individuals from majority groups.
c) Advocacy for strict numerical quotas.
d) Support for race-based preferences.

(03) What does the term "meritocracy" refer to in the context of the passage?
a) Discrimination based on race or gender.
b) Policies promoting diversity.
c) Quotas established to ensure equal representation.
d) A system where individuals are rewarded based on their abilities and achievements.

(04) How does the passage define "reverse discrimination"?
a) Discrimination against majority groups.
b) Discrimination based on economic disadvantage.
c) Discrimination in favor of underrepresented groups.
d) Discrimination against qualified individuals.

(05) What were the initial goals of Affirmative Action when it emerged in the 1960s?
a) To establish numerical quotas in employment.
b) To promote equal opportunities and address historical discrimination.
c) To eliminate diversity in higher education.
d) To challenge the legitimacy of the Civil Rights Act.

(06) What factors contribute to the uncertainty about the future of Affirmative Action, as mentioned in the passage?
a) Legal battles and public resistance.
b) The strict enforcement of numerical quotas.
c) Evolving social attitudes, legal interpretations, and demographic changes.
d) The elimination of diversity programs in universities.

(07) What is identified as a crucial aspect in addressing systemic disparities without creating new forms of discrimination?
a) Strict numerical quotas.
b) Ongoing dialogue and a nuanced understanding of complex issues.
c) The exclusion of majority groups.
d) Advocacy for race-based preferences.

(08) According to the passage, what marked a crucial step in the history of Affirmative Action?
a) President Lyndon B. Johnson's Executive Order in 1965.
b) The 1978 Supreme Court ruling.
c) The Civil Rights Act in 1964.
d) The ban on Affirmative Action in some states.

(09) In what areas did Affirmative Action become more prominent in the 1970s?
a) Employment and legal battles.
b) Public resistance and diversity programs.
c) Numerical quotas and discrimination.
d) Higher education and employment.

(10) What is mentioned as a topic of heated debate regarding Affirmative Action?
a) Its historical origins.
b) The effectiveness of diversity programs.
c) The impact on reducing inequality.
d) The elimination of Affirmative Action.











Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action, a policy aimed at addressing historical discrimination and promoting equal opportunities for underrepresented groups, has a complex history. Initially emerging in the early 1960s as part of the U.S. civil rights movement, it gained momentum with the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, which prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. President Lyndon B. Johnson's Executive Order in 1965 marked a crucial step by urging federal agencies to take Affirmative Action to ensure equality.
In the 1970s, Affirmative Action became more prominent, particularly in higher education and employment. The policy sought to counteract discriminatory practices and foster diversity. However, debates over its legitimacy and effectiveness intensified. The 1978 Supreme Court case Bakke v. University of California established that while race-based preferences in university admissions were constitutional, strict numerical quotas were not.
Over the decades, Affirmative Action has faced challenges and criticisms. Opponents argue that it can lead to reverse discrimination and undermine the principle of meritocracy. They contend that preferences based on race or gender may result in the exclusion of qualified individuals from majority groups. Such critiques have fueled legal battles and led some states to ban or restrict the use of Affirmative Action in public institutions.
The current status of Affirmative Action varies across countries and regions. In the United States, the policy is still in use but subject to ongoing legal and political scrutiny. Some universities and employers actively implement diversity programs, while others face legal constraints or public resistance. The effectiveness of Affirmative Action in achieving its intended goals remains a topic of heated debate, with studies yielding mixed results on its impact on reducing inequality.
Challenges persist, including the need to strike a balance between promoting diversity and ensuring fairness. Critics argue for alternative approaches, such as socioeconomic-based Affirmative Action, which considers economic disadvantage rather than solely relying on race or ethnicity. Striking this balance is crucial to addressing systemic disparities without creating new forms of discrimination.
Looking ahead, the future of Affirmative Action is uncertain. Evolving social attitudes, legal interpretations, and demographic changes will likely shape its trajectory. Calls for comprehensive reform and alternative strategies may gain momentum. Achieving true equality and diversity will require ongoing dialogue, a nuanced understanding of the complex issues at play, and a commitment to fostering inclusive societies that go beyond Affirmative Action policies.

(393 words)










このブログでは英語の家が作成し、利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は国公私立大入試対策問題に載せている気楽に読める Take a break! のコーナーです。

Frozen in Time

In some places, like Siberia and the Alps, there are big chunks of ice called glaciers. These glaciers have been around for a very long time, many thousands of years. Inside these ice glaciers, there are tiny living things called microorganisms or microbes. Microbes are so small you can't see them without a microscope.
Recently, scientists found something interesting when the ice in these glaciers started melting. It turns out that some of these tiny living things, the microbes, woke up after being frozen for thousands of years. This is a big deal because it helps us learn more about how life can survive in extreme conditions.
In Siberia, where it's very cold, some glaciers have been melting. As the ice melts, it exposes the ground that was hidden beneath. And guess what they found? Microbes! These are like tiny living creatures that were frozen in the ice for a really, really long time. But when the ice melted, they started moving and doing their tiny living thing again.
The same thing happened in the Alps, which are big mountains in Europe. The ice in the Alps started melting, and scientists found microbes that were also frozen for a super long time. When these microbes got exposed to the air because of the melting ice, they became active again. It's like they woke up from a really long nap.
Scientists are excited about this because it helps them understand more about life on Earth. These tiny creatures show us that life can be really tough and survive in places where it seems impossible. They teach us about the history of our planet and how living things adapt to different environments.
Microbes are important because they are everywhere – in the soil, in the water, and even in the ice. By studying them, scientists can learn about the Earth's past and how it has changed over time. It's like reading a storybook written by these tiny living things.
In conclusion, when ice melts in places like Siberia and the Alps, it reveals more than just the ground. It uncovers a hidden world of tiny life forms that have been frozen in time, waiting for the ice to melt so they can come back to life. This helps scientists understand the amazing resilience of life and the incredible stories that the Earth'shistory holds.











下にある本文の要約文の内、①~④に適するものをA. ~ D. より選んで下さい。

Graphene, unveiled in 2004 by Geim and Novoselov, is a single layer of carbon atoms forming a hexagonal lattice.
( ① )
In the realm of energy conversion, graphene plays a pivotal role, contributing to advancements in efficient solar cells and advanced battery technologies.
( ② )
Furthermore, graphene's application in environmental sensors contributes to enhanced monitoring and pollution control, showcasing its potential impact on sustainability and technological progress.
( ③ )
In summary, graphene's discovery revolutionized materials science, driving progress in electronics, energy, medicine, and environmental monitoring.
( ④ )


While promising for addressing global challenges, overcoming existing hurdles is crucial for practical implementation and determining its transformative impact on various industries in the future.


Renowned for its extraordinary strength, surpassing steel, and high electrical conductivity, graphene exhibits transparency and flexibility, enhancing its versatility. The material's significance extends across various domains, notably in electronics where it holds promise for high-speed devices and flexible displays.


Its lightweight and robust nature make it a potential revolutionary material in aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. Medical applications include graphene-based biosensors and imaging technologies, anticipated to improve diagnostics and treatments.


Despite its groundbreaking properties, challenges such as production costs, scalability, and safety concerns persist, necessitating sustainable manufacturing processes for widespread adoption.

今日の教材はこちらよりご購入いただけます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は国公私立大入試対策問題の Take a break! のコーナーをご紹介します。










1. Graphene, discovered in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice.

graphene = グラフェン
discovered = 発見された
Andre Geim = アンドレ・ガイム
Konstantin Novoselov = コンスタンチン・ノボセロフ
a single layer = 単層構造
carbon atoms = 炭素原子
arranged in = ~に配列した(された)
a hexagonal lattice = 六角形の格子

2. Its remarkable properties have garnered significant attention in various fields.

remarkable properties = 優れた特性
have garnered = 集めている
significant attention = 大きな注目
in various fields = さまざまな分野で

3. With exceptional strength, graphene outperforms steel and possesses high electrical conductivity.

with exceptional strength = 並外れた強度を持つ
outperforms steel = 鋼鉄を凌駕する
possesses = 有している、持っている
electrical conductivity = 電気伝導性

4. Its transparency and flexibility add to its versatility.

transparency = 透明性
flexibility = 柔軟性
add = 高める、加える
versatility = 汎用性

5. The contributions of graphene extend across diverse applications.

contributions = 影響
extend = 広がっている、伸びている
across diverse applications = 様々な用途に

6. In electronics, it holds promise for high-speed devices and flexible displays.

in electronics = 電子機器の分野で
it = graphene
holds promise = 期待されている
high-speed devices = 高速機器
flexible displays = 柔軟な画面

7. The material's potential in energy conversion is significant, fostering developments in efficient solar cells and advanced battery technologies.

the material's potential = この材料の可能性
in energy conversion = エネルギー変換における
significant = 大きい
fostering = 促進する
in efficient = 効率的な
solar cells = 太陽電池
advanced = 高度な
battery technologies = バッテリー技術











1. 2004年にアンドレ・ガイムとコンスタンチン・ノボセロフによって発見されたグラフェンは、炭素原子が六角形の格子に配列した単層構造です。
arranged in a hexagonal lattice.
by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov,
graphene, discovered in 2004
is a single layer
of carbon atoms

2. その優れた特性は、さまざまな分野で大きな注目を集めています。
have garnered
in various fields.
its remarkable properties
significant attention

3. 並外れた強度を持つグラフェンは、鋼鉄を凌駕し、高い電気伝導性を有しています。
and possesses
graphene outperforms steel
high electrical conductivity.
with exceptional strength,

4. その透明性と柔軟性は、その汎用性を高めます。
and flexibility
its transparency
to its versatility.

5. グラフェンの影響は様々な用途に広がっています。
diverse applications.
of graphene
the contributions

6. 電子機器の分野では、高速機器や柔軟な画面に期待されています。
and flexible displays.
for high-speed devices
in electronics,
it holds promise

7. エネルギー変換におけるこの材料の可能性は大きく、効率的な太陽電池や高度なバッテリー技術の開発を促進します。
and advanced battery technologies.
fostering developments
in efficient solar cells
in energy conversion
is significant,
the material's potential

8. グラフェンの軽量で頑丈な性質ゆえに、それは航空宇宙、自動車、建築産業における革新的な材料の候補になっています。
and construction industries.
and robust nature
for revolutionary materials
graphene's lightweight
in aerospace, automotive,
make it a candidate

9. 医療分野では、グラフェンをベースとした化学センサーや画像技術は、診断や治療を高度化することが期待されています。
and imaging technologies
are anticipated to enhance
diagnostics and treatments.
graphene-based biosensors
in the medical field,

10. 環境センサーへのこの材料の利用は、監視や汚染制御の改善を促進します。
and pollution control.
improved monitoring
in environmental sensors
the material's use











(01) What is graphene's hexagonal lattice made of?
a) Steel
b) Carbon atoms
c) Gold
d) Copper

(02) In which industry is graphene's lightweight and robust nature considered a game-changer?
a) Electronics
b) Fashion
c) Agriculture
d) Food industry

(03) What challenges does the future of graphene face?
a) Lack of transparency
b) High electrical conductivity
c) Flexibility issues
d) Production costs, scalability, and safety concerns

(04) What does the term "biosensors" refer to in the context of the passage?
a) Devices measuring body temperature
b) Devices measuring biological parameters
c) Devices measuring air quality
d) Devices measuring energy consumption

(05) What is the meaning of the word "versatility" as used in the passage?
a) Adaptability
b) Rigidity
c) Transparency
d) Conductivity

(06) In the second paragraph, what does "fostering" mean in relation to graphene's potential in energy conversion?
a) Hindering
b) Promoting
c) Constraining
d) Weakening

(07) What is the main contribution of graphene in the medical field?
a) Enhancing diagnostics and treatments
b) Revolutionizing construction
c) Improving environmental monitoring
d) Advancing energy conversion

(08) What is the primary focus of the last paragraph?
a) Graphene's transparency
b) Challenges and future prospects of graphene
c) Graphene's use in aerospace
d) Geim and Novoselov's discovery of graphene

(09) What is the central theme of the passages?
a) The history of carbon atoms
b) The applications of biosensors
c) The properties of steel
d) The uses and challenges of graphene

(10) According to the passage, what are two remarkable properties of graphene?
a. Transparency and rigidity
b. Medical and environmental applications
c. Gold and copper composition
d. Strength and electrical conductivity












Graphene, discovered in 2004 by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, is a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. Its remarkable properties have garnered significant attention in various fields. With exceptional strength, graphene outperforms steel and possesses high electrical conductivity. Its transparency and flexibility add to its versatility.
The contributions of graphene extend across diverse applications. In electronics, it holds promise for high-speed devices and flexible displays. The material's potential in energy conversion is significant, fostering developments in efficient solar cells and advanced battery technologies. Graphene's lightweight and robust nature make it a candidate for revolutionary materials in aerospace, automotive, and construction industries.
In the medical field, graphene-based biosensors and imaging technologies are anticipated to enhance diagnostics and treatments. The material's use in environmental sensors promotes improved monitoring and pollution control. These applications underscore graphene's potential impact on sustainability and advancing technology.
Looking ahead, the future of graphene hinges on overcoming challenges. While its properties offer groundbreaking solutions, issues such as production costs, scalability, and safety concerns persist. Sustainable manufacturing processes and addressing environmental impacts are critical for widespread adoption.
In summary, graphene's discovery has revolutionized materials science, with its exceptional properties fueling advancements in electronics, energy, medicine, and environmental monitoring. The material's contributions to addressing global challenges, such as climate change and resource efficiency, are promising. However, ensuring its practical implementation requires addressing existing challenges, ultimately determining the extent of its transformative impact on various industries in the coming years.
Discovered in 2004, graphene is a super-strong, thin layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagon. It has cool properties that make it useful in many areas. It's stronger than steel and conducts electricity well. It's also see-through and bendy, making it versatile.
Graphene is used in different ways. In electronics, it can make fast gadgets and flexible screens. It's also big in energy tech, helping make better solar cells and batteries. In industries like aerospace and construction, its lightweight but tough nature is a game-changer.
In medicine, graphene helps with better tests and imaging. It's also handy for environmental sensors that monitor and control pollution. These uses show how graphene can make things more sustainable and advanced.
Looking forward, challenges like cost and safety need solutions for graphene to shine. Sustainable production and less environmental impact are key.
In a nutshell, graphene, found by Geim and Novoselov, rocks in science. It powers up electronics, energy, medicine, and environmental care. It could be a big help in solving global issues, but solving problems like cost and safety is crucial for it to really take off.

(429 words)











Innate sensitivity to ( ① ) encompasses facial features, ( ② ), and acts of kindness, leading to spontaneous aesthetic appreciation influenced by various factors. ( ③ ) in nature, seen in ( ④ ) and natural arrangements, contributes to beauty, as do positive expressions like vibrant colors in flowers or graceful bird flights. ( ⑤ ) of empathy and selflessness reflect the beauty of the ( ⑥ ), deepening connections to surroundings. ( ⑦ ) ( ⑧ ) shape perceptions of ( ⑨ ) pleasure, while past experiences and knowledge contribute to nuanced beauty appreciation. Overall, the subjective concept of beauty involves a complex interplay of symmetry, expression, cultural influences, and personal ( ⑩ ) in both nature and the human mind.

Celebrating Beauty

People are born with an innate sensitivity to beauty, which extends beyond the beauty of their facial features to include the beauty of flowers, birds, animals, landscapes, and the soul.
Encountering the wonders of nature or witnessing acts of kindness often leads to a spontaneous sense of beauty, influenced by a multitude of factors.
The decisive factor in the aesthetic appeal of nature is the harmony of its elements.
The symmetry of petals and feathers, or the natural arrangement, contributes to an overall sense of beauty.
Similarly, witnessing a thoughtful act of compassion or kindness can evoke a profound sense of beauty inherent in the human heart.
Expressions in nature, such as the vibrant colors of a flower or the graceful flight of a bird, play an important role in our sense of beauty.
Positive expressions of nature contribute to an enhanced aesthetic experience, evoke emotions, and increase overall attractiveness.
Similarly, acts of empathy, gratitude, and selflessness reflect the beauty of the heart and deepen our connection to the beauty of our surroundings.
The influence of culture also extends to one's appreciation of the beauty of nature and the beauty of the heart.
Different cultures may have their own ideals and symbolic meanings associated with certain elements of nature and expressions of tenderness.
Cultural context plays a considerable role in determining what an individual perceives as aesthetic pleasure and emotional resonance.
Furthermore, past experiences and acquired knowledge contribute significantly to a nuanced understanding of the beauty inherent in nature and the human mind.
Positive experiences, such as enjoying a breathtaking sunset or witnessing a selfless act, instill clear preferences and foster a sense of beauty.
In summary, the aesthetic sense of flowers, birds, animals, landscapes, and the mind is a highly subjective concept, involving a complex interplay of elements such as symmetry, proportion, vivid expression, cultural influences, and personal experience.
These factors are intricately woven into the diverse patterns of how people perceive and appreciate beauty in the natural world and in the depths of the human mind.

(338 words)











(01) What is mentioned as a decisive factor in the aesthetic appeal of nature?
a) Facial features
b) Harmony of elements
c) Acts of kindness
d) Symmetry of human heart

(02) How does the passage describe the influence of culture on the perception of beauty?
a) It has no impact on aesthetic pleasure.
b) It plays a minor role in emotional resonance.
c) Cultural context is significant in determining aesthetic pleasure.
d) Culture only affects the beauty of facial features.

(03) How does the passage use the term "symmetry" in relation to beauty?
a) It refers to facial symmetry only.
b) It is not discussed in the context of beauty.
c) It contributes to the overall sense of beauty.
d) It is irrelevant to aesthetic experiences.

(04) What is the central theme of the passage?
a) The superficiality of beauty
b) The influence of culture on aesthetics
c) The complex nature of beauty perception
d) The exclusive focus on facial features

(05) According to the passage, what role do positive experiences play in shaping one's sense of beauty?
a) They have no impact.
b) They instill clear preferences and foster a sense of beauty.
c) They create a superficial understanding.
d) They only affect aesthetic pleasure temporarily.

(06) What are mentioned as positive expressions of nature in the passage?
a) Neutral colors and random arrangements
b) Vibrant colors and graceful bird flight
c) Lack of symmetry and proportion
d) Superficial beauty of facial features

(07) According to the passage, what are some elements woven into the patterns of perceiving beauty?
a) Symmetry and proportion only
b) Acts of kindness and cultural influences only
c) Vivid expression and personal experience only
d) Symmetry, proportion, vivid expression, cultural influences, and personal experience

(08) How does the passage describe the influence of past experiences on one's perception of beauty?
a) They have no impact on beauty perception.
b) Positive experiences instill clear preferences and foster a sense of beauty.
c) Only negative experiences shape beauty perception.
d) Past experiences are irrelevant to the perception of beauty.

(09) How are positive experiences with nature connected to the overall sense of beauty?
a) Positive experiences have no impact on the overall sense of beauty.
b) They contribute to an enhanced aesthetic experience, evoke emotions, and increase overall attractiveness.
c) Positive experiences only affect aesthetic pleasure temporarily.
d) Positive experiences are unrelated to the overall sense of beauty.

(10) In the passage, what can be inferred about the relationship between cultural context and aesthetic pleasure?
a) Cultural context has a minor role in determining aesthetic pleasure.
b) Aesthetic pleasure is solely determined by culture.
c) Cultural context is irrelevant to aesthetic experiences.
d) Cultural context plays a considerable role in determining aesthetic pleasure.











1. 人は美に対する生まれながらの感受性を持って(生まれ)、それは顔立ちの美しさだけでなく、花や鳥、動物、風景、そして魂の美しさにも及びます。
birds, animals, landscapes, and the soul.
of their facial features
people are born
to include the beauty of flowers,
which extends beyond the beauty
with an innate sensitivity to beauty,

2. 自然の驚異との出会いや、親切な行為の目撃は、多くの要因によって影響され、自然発生的な美意識へと、しばしばつながります。
to a spontaneous sense of beauty,
or witnessing acts of kindness
often leads
influenced by a multitude of factors.
encountering the wonders of nature

3. 自然の美的魅力の決定的な要因は、その要素の調和です。
in the aesthetic appeal of nature
is the harmony
of its elements.
the decisive factor

4. 花びらや羽根の対称性、あるいは自然の配置は、全体的な美の感覚に寄与します。
of petals and feathers,
or the natural arrangement,
the symmetry
to an overall sense of beauty.

5. 同様に、思いやりのある行為や優しさを目撃することは、人間の心に内在する深い美意識を呼び起こすことができます。
a thoughtful act of compassion
can evoke a profound sense of beauty
inherent in the human heart.
or kindness
similarly, witnessing

6. 花の鮮やかな色彩や鳥の優雅な飛翔など、自然界の表現は私たちの美意識に重要な役割を果たしています。
such as the vibrant colors of a flower
play an important role
or the graceful flight of a bird,
in our sense of beauty.
expressions in nature,

7. 自然の肯定的な表現は、美的体験の向上に貢献し、感情を呼び起こし、全体的な魅力を高めます。
to an enhanced aesthetic experience,
positive expressions of nature
evoke emotions,
and increase overall attractiveness.

8. 同様に、共感、感謝、無私の行為は、心の美を反映し、私たちの周囲の美とのつながりを深めます。
to the beauty of our surroundings.
similarly, acts
reflect the beauty of the heart
of empathy, gratitude, and selflessness
and deepen our connection

9. 文化の影響は、自然の美や心の美に対する評価にも及びます。
to one's appreciation
the influence of culture
of the beauty of nature
and the beauty of the heart.
also extends

10. 異なる文化には、自然の特定の要素や優しさの表現に関連する、独自の理想や象徴的な意味があるかもしれません。
their own ideals
different cultures may have
certain elements of nature
associated with
and symbolic meanings
and expressions of tenderness.











Celebrating Beauty

People are born with an innate sensitivity to beauty, which extends beyond the beauty of their facial features to include the beauty of flowers, birds, animals, landscapes, and the soul.
Encountering the wonders of nature or witnessing acts of kindness often leads to a spontaneous sense of beauty, influenced by a multitude of factors.
The decisive factor in the aesthetic appeal of nature is the harmony of its elements.
The symmetry of petals and feathers, or the natural arrangement, contributes to an overall sense of beauty.
Similarly, witnessing a thoughtful act of compassion or kindness can evoke a profound sense of beauty inherent in the human heart.
Expressions in nature, such as the vibrant colors of a flower or the graceful flight of a bird, play an important role in our sense of beauty.
Positive expressions of nature contribute to an enhanced aesthetic experience, evoke emotions, and increase overall attractiveness.
Similarly, acts of empathy, gratitude, and selflessness reflect the beauty of the heart and deepen our connection to the beauty of our surroundings.
The influence of culture also extends to one's appreciation of the beauty of nature and the beauty of the heart.
Different cultures may have their own ideals and symbolic meanings associated with certain elements of nature and expressions of tenderness.
Cultural context plays a considerable role in determining what an individual perceives as aesthetic pleasure and emotional resonance.
Furthermore, past experiences and acquired knowledge contribute significantly to a nuanced understanding of the beauty inherent in nature and the human mind.
Positive experiences, such as enjoying a breathtaking sunset or witnessing a selfless act, instill clear preferences and foster a sense of beauty.
In summary, the aesthetic sense of flowers, birds, animals, landscapes, and the mind is a highly subjective concept, involving a complex interplay of elements such as symmetry, proportion, vivid expression, cultural influences, and personal experience.
These factors are intricately woven into the diverse patterns of how people perceive and appreciate beauty in the natural world and in the depths of the human mind.

(338 words)










英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、中学2年生英語の「to do 副詞的用法」の並べ替え問題②の一部を掲載します。

31. 彼は富士山を見るために日本に来ました。
to see
to Japan
he came
Mt. Fuji.

32. 私はケイコと一緒にテニスをするためにそこへ行きました。
with Keiko.
to play tennis
I went

33. 私は牛乳を買うためにそのショッピングセンターへ行きました。
to the shopping center
to buy
some milk.
I went

34. 私は花の写真を撮影するために庭に出ました。
to the yard
to take some pictures
of flowers.
I went out

35. 私は私達の宿題について尋ねるためにカナに電話しました。
to ask
our homework.
I telephoned Kana

36. 彼は昨日、彼の父を手伝うために家にいました。
to help
his father
he stayed home

37. 私の祖母は古い家々を見るために奈良を訪問しました。
visited Nara
to see
old houses.
my grandmother

38. 彼らはそこでバレーボールをするためにそのジムへ行きました。
volleyball there.
to the gym
to play
they went

39. ミチコはそこで花々を見るためにその庭園を訪れました。
to see flowers
the garden
Michiko visited

40. 私達は始発電車に間に合うために家を早く出ました。
the first train.
to catch
we left home










英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、中学2年生英語の「to do 副詞的用法」の和訳問題の一部を掲載します。

11. My father gets up early in the morning to make breakfast for all of us.
12. Keiko came to the kitchen to cook dinner.
13. They went to the zoo to see pandas this morning.
14. She often goes to the library to read books.
15. Ken went to the river to catch fish.
16. Naoko went to the park to eat lunch.
17. I went to Nara to visit Todai-ji with my family.
18. We bought these books to study French.
19. She is going to come to my house to see me next week.
20. My sister and I often go to Kanazawa to see our grandparents.
21. I am going to go to Russia to teach Japanese next month.
22. A friend of mine works to help sick people.
23. Lucy gets up at six to cook breakfast for her sick mother every morning.
24. I worked really hard to buy a house.
25. The students study hard every day to pass the examination in the next spring.
26. I went to the store to buy some eggs.
27. My grandfather got up early to clean the yard this morning.
28. We often go to the park to play soccer.
29. Jack used the computer to send an e-mail.
30. The girl ran to call her mother.

今日の教材はこちらよりご購入いただけます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学2年生英語の「to do 副詞的用法」の並べ替え問題②の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、中学2年生英語の「to do 副詞的用法」の並べ替え問題の一部を掲載します。

1. 私は英語をたくさん話すために英語クラブに参加しました。
to speak English a lot.
the English club
I joined

2. 私は水を飲むために台所へ行きました。
to the kitchen
to drink some water.
I went

3. 私は昨日私の友人たちと一緒にサッカーをするために公園へ行きました。
with my friends yesterday.
to play soccer
I went to the park

4. 私の姉妹は先週科学の勉強するために図書館へ行きました。
to the library
to study science last week.
my sister went

5. 私の母は彼女の友人に会うために駅に行きました。
went to the station
to see her friend.
my mother

6. 彼女はスペインに住むためにスペイン語を勉強します。
to live
she studies Spanish
in Spain.

7. トムは一人で公園を走るために毎朝早く起きます。
to run in the park alone.
every morning
Tom gets up early

8. 私はフィリピンにいる私の友人に手紙を書くためにペンを使います。
to write a letter
to my friend in the Philippines.
I use a pen

9. あなたは今晩あなたの母を手伝うために早く帰宅しましたか?
your mother tonight?
to help
did you come home early

10. ケビンは昨日の朝、私と一緒にゲームをするために私の家に来ました。
with me yesterday morning.
to play games
Kevin came to my house

今日の教材はこちらよりご購入いただけます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学2年生英語の「to do 副詞的用法」の和訳問題の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生英語の「仮定法 If + 主語 + were ..., ~」の並べ替え問題②の一部を掲載します。

31. もし私たちの給料がもっと下がっていったら、どうやって生きて行こう?
and lower?
getting lower
how would we survive
if our salaries were

32. もし僕の成績がすっごく上がったら、お母さんは何て言うかな?
if my grades were
my mother say
to improve so much?
what would

33. もし宝くじに当たったら、どういう家に住めるかなぁ?
would we be able to live in?
what kind of house
to win the lottery,
if we were lucky enough

34. もし肉ばかり食べていたら、病気になるのかな?
would I get sick?
to eat
only meat,
if I were

35. もし野菜だけを食べることになったら、お腹は空かないのかなぁ?
to eat only vegetables,
if I would ever get hungry?
if I were
I wonder

36. 僕が英語を話せたら、お父さんはびっくりするだろうな。
would be surprised
to speak English.
my father
if I were able

37. もし僕が君なら、絶対に英語をまじめに勉強するね。
study English
if I were you,
I would definitely

38. もし部屋が温かかったら、僕は寝ちゃうね。
warm enough,
if the room
I'd fall asleep.

39. もしお腹が空いたら、寝られないな。
I wouldn't be
able to sleep.
if I were

40. もしその部屋の中が寒かったら、何度もトイレに行きたくなるだろうな。
I'd have to go
if it were cold
in that room,
to the bathroom a lot.

今日の教材はこちらよりご購入いただけます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学2年生英語の「to do 副詞的用法」の並べ替え問題の一部をご紹介します。











英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生英語の「仮定法 If + 主語 + were ..., ~」の和訳問題の一部を掲載します。

11. If the audience were unable to come, the theater would go out of business.
12. If airliners were unable to fly, the tourism industry would decline.
13. If there were more passengers on this ship, the chances of it sinking would increase.
14. If there were not enough tanker drivers, the whole country would run out of fuel.
15. If there were more patients in the hospital, there would not be enough beds.
16. If the price of oil were to continue to rise, the people would be exhausted.
17. If the pandemic were to end, we would be able to travel abroad.
18. If I were you, I would go to France after going to the US.
19. If I had a long neck like a giraffe, I would say hello to the birds in the tall trees.
20. If robots were to do more work, there would be fewer jobs for humans.
21. What would he think if he were me?
22. If temperatures were to rise, the land area would decrease due to rising water levels.
23. If we were to stop using fossil fuels altogether, quite a few of the things we humans use would disappear.
24. If there were more forest fires, there would be more carbon dioxide emissions and less oxygen.
25. If there were more ice loss in the Arctic, there would be less habitat for polar bears.
26. What would happen to the habitat of penguins if the ice in Antarctica were to shrink further?
27. If we were to stop using fossil fuels, would we be able to make a living?
28. If we were to stop using plastic, most of what I see around me would disappear.
29. What would happen if the increase in food supply were unable to keep up with the increase in world population?
30. If we were able to talk to polar bears and penguins, what would they say?

今日の教材はこちらよりご購入いただけます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生英語の「仮定法 If + 主語 + were ..., ~」の並べ替え問題②の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生英語の「仮定法 If + 主語 + were ..., ~」の並べ替え問題の一部を掲載します。

1. もし私がお金持ちだったら、貧しい人たちのためにもっとお金を寄付するでしょう。
I would donate more money
if I were rich,
to help the poor.

2. もし今日が晴れていたら、私たちは車を洗うでしょう。
we would wash
the car.
if it were sunny today,

3. 明日が日曜日だったら、この本を読み終えることができるでしょう。
reading this book.
if it were Sunday tomorrow,
I could finish

4. 明日、私が家にいたら、20時間以上寝続けることでしょう。
I would probably sleep
for more than twenty hours straight.
if I were at home tomorrow,

5. もし母がここにいれば、彼女は私に朝食を作ってくれるでしょう。
she would make
me breakfast.
if my mother were here,

6. 君が空腹なら、私が何か作ってあげますよ。
something to eat,
if you were hungry,
I could make you

7. もし私がウミガメだったら、世界中の海を泳ぐことができます。
I could swim
if I were a sea turtle,
in the oceans of the world.

8. 今日、雨が降っていなければ、友達とサッカーの練習ができるのに。
with my friends.
if it were not rainy today,
I could practice soccer

9. もし医者がいなければ、誰もこの病人たちを治療することができないでしょう。
these sick people.
nobody would be able to treat
if there were no doctors,

10. もし妹が赤ちゃんでなければ、一緒にこのゲームをすることができるのですが。
we could play
this game together.
if my sister were not a baby,

今日の教材はこちらよりご購入いただけます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生英語の「仮定法 If + 主語 + were ..., ~」の和訳問題の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生英語の「仮定法 I wish」リスニングの一部を掲載します。スマホでいつでもリスニングにシャドーイングにご利用できます。

今日の教材はまだ販売しておりません。もうしばらくお待ちください。。明日は中学3年生英語の「仮定法 If + 主語 + were ..., ~」の並べ替え問題の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生英語の「仮定法 I wish」和訳問題の一部を掲載します。

21. I wish he would continue his studies without a break.

22. I wish school would start again soon.

23. I wish he could go out and play with his friends soon.

24. I wish I could go on a trip abroad.

25. I wish my lunch break would come sooner.

26. I wish I could finish my work early so I could see you sooner.

27. I wish I knew many languages so I could talk to many people.

28. I wish this rain would stop soon.

29. I wish I knew how to learn English quickly.

30. I wish I could fly like a bird.

31. I wish I could be friends with a shark.

32. I wish lions could understand human language.

33. I wish I could control the weather.

34. I wish there were no more mean people.

35. I wish I was in Africa so I could help everyone.

36. I wish I could be there with you right now.

37. I wish I could hear your voice, it would cheer me up.

38. I wish I could be as popular as those people.

39. I wish we could find a balance between climate issues and the economy.

40. I wish the people at the conference could hear the marchers outside the conference hall.

今日の教材はこちらよりご購入いただけます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生英語の「仮定法 I wish」リスニングの一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生英語の「仮定法 I wish」並べ替え問題の一部を掲載します。

1. たくさんの言語を話すことができたらいいなと思います。
many languages.
I wish
I could speak

2. 友達とサッカーの練習をする時間がもっとあればいいのに。
I had more time
I wish
to practice soccer with my friends.

3. 世界からお腹を空かせた子供がいなくなればいいのに。
there were no hungry children
in the world.
I wish

4. 私もあなたのようにピアノが上手に弾けたらいいなと思います。
as well as you do.
I wish
I could play the piano

5. 彼女が私の姉だったらと思います。
she were
my elder sister.
I wish

6. 彼の名前を知っていたらと思います。
I knew
I wish
his name.

7. 私は海の近くに住んでいたらと思います。
near the ocean.
I wish
I lived

8. パーティーを開催できたらいいのに。
the party.
we could hold
we wish

9. もっと速く走れたらいいのに。
I could run
I wish

10. 世界にたくさんの友達がいたらいいのに。
I had many friends
I wish
in the world.

今日の教材は、こちらよりご購入いただけます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生英語の「仮定法 I wish」和訳問題の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project 新出単語定着用並べ替え問題の一部を掲載します。先生方のご利用も、生徒皆さんのご利用も可能です。間もなく販売されますので、ご購入の上、ご自由にお使いください。

and the challenges it presented.
given its unprecedented size
the mission to explore the distant asteroid
was deemed nearly impossible,

during their groundbreaking exploration.
found on the asteroid
of the mysterious substance
scientists collected a sample

advanced electric propulsion systems
overcoming the gravitational resistance.
the spacecraft utilized
to lift off from the asteroid's surface,

of the spacecraft from the asteroid.
played a crucial role in the successful return
the ion propulsion technology,
with its origin in cutting-edge research,

researchers made an unprecedented discovery
gathered during the mission,
analyzing the amount of data
about the asteroid's composition.

dates from a period in the solar system's history
of the unique geological formations on the asteroid
that was previously unknown.
the origin

avoiding potential obstacles in space.
the spacecraft had to navigate
through an intricate trajectory,
to bring back the collected samples safely,

from which the analysis of the asteroid samples would begin,
hoping to unlock new insights
into the solar system's evolution.
scientists eagerly awaited the date

about the origin of our solar system.
the ambitious space agency launched a mission
to explore an asteroid
with the hope of uncovering clues

back on Earth.
eager to analyze its composition
of regolith from the asteroid's surface,
scientists collected a precious sample

advanced electric propulsion
defying the gravitational pull.
the spacecraft utilized
to gracefully lift off from the asteroid,

during the spacecraft's journey.
in cutting-edge research,
proved to be highly efficient
the ion thrusters, with their mysterious origin

about the asteroid.
collected during this exploration was unprecedented,
providing scientists with a wealth of information
the sheer amount of data

a discovery that could reshape
our understanding of planetary formation.
researchers were astonished
to find an unprecedented mineral on the asteroid,

to Earth for in-depth analysis.
the spacecraft successfully brought back
the carefully preserved samples
overcoming the resistance of space,

became a highly anticipated milestone
in the scientific community.
the analysis results would be unveiled
the date from which

今日の教材は間もなく販売開始になりますので、ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生英語の「仮定法 I wish」 の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project 文法問題、未来完了形の一部を掲載します。先生方のご利用も、生徒皆さんのご利用も可能です。間もなく販売されますので、ご購入の上、ご自由にお使いください。

I will
by next year,
from university.
have graduated

by the time you visit.
have completed the construction
of the new building
they will

to five different countries.
she will
have traveled
by the end of the month,

we will
have invested
by the time the project is finished,
a significant amount of money.

for ten years.
have lived
he will
in this city
next week,

we will
the meeting.
have already started
by the time you arrive,

before the conference begins.
have published
the research paper
they will

writing the report.
he will
have finished
by the end of the day,

you recommended.
have read
by the time you return,
all the books
I will

to play the piano
she will
have learned
by the age of 15.

今日の教材は間もなく販売開始になりますので、ぜひご利用下さい。明日は高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project 新出単語定着用並べ替え問題の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project 文法問題、未来進行形の一部を掲載します。先生方のご利用も、生徒皆さんのご利用も可能です。間もなく販売されますので、ご購入の上、ご自由にお使いください。

for the exam
be studying
I will

be traveling
next week.
they will
to Europe

be working
in the coming months.
on a new project
she will

a groundbreaking
be developing
the team will

at the beach.
be celebrating
my sister's birthday
we will

be finishing
by the end of the year.
he will
his novel

a new product
be launching
in the market.
the company will

I will
a conference.
be attending
tomorrow at this time,

be presenting
next month.
the students will
their research findings

I will
be cooking
by the time you arrive,

今日の教材は間もなく販売開始になりますので、ぜひご利用下さい。明日は高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project 文法問題、未来完了形の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project 文法問題、独立分詞構文の一部を掲載します。先生方がコピペしてご利用されても、生徒皆さんのご利用も可能です。間もなく販売されますので、ご購入の上、ご自由にお使いください。

01. ~ 10.の文と同じ意味になるように、それぞれ与えられた語句を並べ替えて、独立分詞構文を作って下さい。また、それぞれの和訳文も書いて下さい。

01. Since there was no food at all, even a bowl of ramen felt like a feast.

even a bowl of ramen
felt like a feast.
no food at all,
there being

02. If there is no food at all, even a bowl of ramen would feel like a feast.

would feel
there being
no food at all,
like a feast.
even a bowl of ramen

03. Because there was no rain at all for a month, all the plants withered.

all the plants
for a month,
no rain at all
there being

04. If there is no rain at all for a month, all the plants will wither.

will wither.
there being
no rain at all
for a month,
all the plants

05. As he hadn't visited the university for a full two years, meeting friends feels really long overdue.

feels really long overdue.
for a full two years,
meeting friends
no visit to the university
there being

06. Since he couldn't find a good job at all, he became unsure of what to do.

to be found at all,
there being
of what to do.
no good job
he became unsure

07. Because there was no water left in the canteen, he had no choice but to hide in the shade of rocks in the desert.

but to hide in the shade of rocks
he had no choice
in the desert.
no water left in the canteen,
there being

08. She had no plans on Sunday, so she spent her time watching accumulated videos.

watching accumulated videos.
there being
she spent her time
no plans on Sunday,

09. If the weather is good, I plan to go fishing tomorrow.

I plan
to go fishing
weather permitting,

10. She finished work and immediately went home.

went home.
she immediately
her work

今日の教材は間もなく販売開始になりますので、ぜひご利用下さい。明日は高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project 文法問題、未来進行形の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project Part2 の内容理解度確認問題の一部を掲載します。先生方がコピペしてご利用されても、生徒皆さんのご利用も可能です。間もなく販売されますので、ご購入の上、ご自由にお使いください。

What was one of the goals of the Hayabusa mission mentioned in the passage?
a. Developing a powerful rocket engine
b. Collecting soil samples from Brazil
c. Creating a radio signal
d. Developing an autonomous navigation system

Why was it crucial for Hayabusa to have an autonomous navigation system?
a. To communicate with Itokawa
b. In case of an emergency when waiting for commands was not an option
c. To collect soil samples from Brazil
d. To fly at the speed of 34 kilometers per second

What was the main challenge in hitting Itokawa, as described in the passage?
a. Itokawa's peanut shape
b. The small size of the asteroid
c. The speed of Hayabusa
d. The distance between Brazil and Japan

In the context of the passage, what does "autonomous" mean?
a. Radio communication
b. Independent and self-governing
c. Emergency landing
d. Team collaboration

What is the meaning of "judging the situation" in the passage?
a. Assessing the overall mission
b. Evaluating the size of Itokawa
c. Making decisions based on circumstances
d. Communicating with the team

What made the scientists believe that if Hayabusa achieved its goals, it would be a unique accomplishment?
a. It successfully communicated with Itokawa
b. It hit a one-millimeter target in Brazil from Japan
c. It developed powerful rocket engines
d. It collected soil samples from Brazil

What challenge did Hayabusa face during its first attempt to land?
a. It ran out of fuel
b. It collided with Itokawa
c. It suffered damage
d. It lost communication with Earth

How did Hayabusa solve the problems it encountered during its first attempt to land?
a. By returning to Earth without collecting soil samples
b. By collaborating with other spacecraft
c. By attempting a second landing a week later
d. By communicating with Itokawa

What happened immediately after Hayabusa headed home?
a. It successfully completed its mission
b. Fuel began to leak, and its batteries began to fail
c. It hit Itokawa at a high speed
d. It lost communication with Earth

Why was hitting Itokawa described as trying to hit a one-millimeter target in Brazil from Japan?
a. To emphasize the small size and speed of Itokawa
b. To highlight the challenge of communication with Itokawa
c. To suggest that Brazil was a crucial location for the mission
d. To underscore the significance of collecting soil samples

今日の教材は間もなく販売開始になりますので、ぜひご利用下さい。明日は高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project 文法問題、独立分詞構文の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材を紹介しています。今日は、高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project Part1 の内容理解度確認問題の一部を掲載します。先生方がコピペしてご利用されても、生徒皆さんのご利用も可能です。ご購入の上、ご自由にお使いください。

What was the main goal of the Hayabusa Project?
a. Developing autonomous navigation systems
b. Collecting soil samples from Mars
c. Bringing back soil samples from Itokawa
d. Developing ion engines for rocket propulsion

Why are samples from asteroids like Itokawa significant?
a. They contain valuable minerals
b. They help understand the beginning of our solar system
c. They can be used as a potential fuel source
d. They hold clues to extraterrestrial life

What makes ion engines unique for space exploration?
a. They use gases and liquids
b. They have high power output
c. They rely on air resistance for propulsion
d. They use electric fields

What does "autonomous navigation" mean in the context of the passage?
a. Navigation using autonomous robots
b. Navigation without human control
c. Navigation guided by satellites
d. Navigation within the Earth's atmosphere

In the passage, what is the meaning of "unprecedented"?
a. Common and routine
b. Never done or known before
c. Difficult and challenging
d. Expected and predictable

What is the significance of "ion engines" in space exploration?
a. They generate high power using gravity
b. They rely on traditional fuel sources
c. They use electric fields for propulsion
d. They are only used for asteroid missions

What was the primary purpose of the Hayabusa Project according to the passage?
a. Investigating the mysteries of Itokawa
b. Developing ion engines for space exploration
c. Bringing back soil samples from a distant asteroid
d. Testing the effects of gravity in space

What role does the collection of soil samples play in solving the mysteries of our solar system's origin?
a. It helps understand the composition of asteroids
b. It provides insights into the development of ion engines
c. It reveals the presence of extraterrestrial life
d. It aids in the discovery of valuable minerals in space

According to the passage, why is the Hayabusa Project considered ambitious?
a. Due to its focus on developing ion engines
b. Because of the challenging goals set by JAXA
c. It aimed to bring back soil samples from Mars
d. It prioritized autonomous navigation over other technologies

What is mentioned as a challenge in the Hayabusa Project?
a. Developing autonomous navigation systems
b. Collecting soil samples from asteroids
c. Testing rocket engines in space
d. Studying the composition of Mars

今日の教材は間もなく購入できます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は高校2年生EX Crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Project Part 2の内容理解度確認問題の一部をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材の一部を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生「make + 人 + 形容詞」の並べ替え問題②を掲載します。

1. 世界中を旅することはあなたを精神的に強くします。
will make you
mentally stronger.
around the world

2. 親友とテニスをすることは私を幸せな気分にしてくれます。
with my best friend
very happy.
playing tennis
makes me

3. この歌は彼を深く悲しませるものです。
this song
makes him

4. 物理学の授業は彼女を退屈させます。
makes her
the physics

5. 彼女の振る舞いは彼らを苛立たせるものです。
makes them

6. この教授の話し方は学生たちを眠くさせる。
makes the students
the way
this professor speaks

7. この映画はあなたを幸せな気持ちにさせますか?
this movie
make you

8. この風景は彼らに郷愁の念を抱かせる。
the landscape

9. 彼女の著作は彼を悲しい気持ちにさせるものですか?
make him
her writings

10. あなたの弟の存在はあなたを強くしていますか?
younger brother’s existence
make you
does your

今日の教材はこちらで購入できます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は高校2年生EX crown 2 L9 The Hayabusa Projectの内容理解度確認問題をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材の一部を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生「make + 人 + 形容詞」の和訳問題を掲載します。

1. Traveling around the world will make you mentally stronger.
2. Playing tennis with my best friend makes me very happy.
3. This song makes him deeply sad.
4. The physics class makes her bored.
5. Her behavior makes them irritated.
6. The way this professor speaks makes the students sleepy.
7. Does this movie make you happy?
8. The landscape makes them homesick.
9. Do her writings make him sad?
10. Does your younger brother’s existence make you stronger?
11. This book made him very sad.
12. This invention has made her quite famous around the world.
13. Did his behavior make you irritated?
14. Your way of thinking made us confused.
15. Tennis practice under the blazing sun made us exhausted.
16. Talking with him made me happy sometimes.
17. The atmosphere in the office made me very tired. Because during the working hours, they never opened their mouths.
18. This book made me bored. Because I’m not interested in mystery novels.
19. His dog always made him cheer up.
20. The announcement of the entrance exam results made me very nervous.

今日の教材はこちらで購入できます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生「make + 人 + 形容詞」の並べ替え問題②をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材の一部を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生「make + 人 + 形容詞」の並べ替え問題を掲載します。

1. 世界中を旅することはあなたを精神的に強くします。
mentally stronger.
traveling around the world
will make you

2. 親友とテニスをすることは私を幸せな気分にしてくれます。
makes me
playing tennis with my best friend
very happy.

3. この歌は彼を深く悲しませるものです。
deeply sad.
makes him
this song

4. 物理学の授業は彼女を退屈させます。
makes her
the physics class

5. 彼女の振る舞いは彼らを苛立たせるものです。
makes them
her behavior

6. この教授の話し方は学生たちを眠くさせる。
makes the students
the way this professor speaks

7. この映画はあなたを幸せな気持ちにさせますか?
make you
does this movie

8. この風景は彼らに郷愁の念を抱かせる。
makes them
the landscape

9. 彼女の著作は彼を悲しい気持ちにさせるものですか?
make him
do her writings

10. あなたの弟の存在はあなたを強くしていますか?
make you
does your younger brother’s existence

今日の教材はこちらで購入できます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生「make + 人 + 形容詞」の和訳問題をご紹介します。










Weeping is a universal and fundamental aspect of human behavior that transcends cultural, geographical, and societal boundaries. It is an innate reaction to various emotions, including joy, sadness, pain, frustration, and comfort. Weeping is not exclusive to ( ① ); it is a phenomenon observed throughout the animal kingdom. In humans, tears serve physiological functions such as lubrication and irritant expulsion, but ( ② ) tears also convey specific biochemical components for emotional ( ③ ).
Biologically, the ability to weep is inherent in humans and starts from infancy as a means of communication. Weeping serves as a universal language that communicates emotions such as sorrow, joy, empathy, frustration, and comfort without the need for verbal articulation. Psychologically, ( ④ ) has a therapeutic effect, acting as a coping mechanism for the release of pent-up emotions and stress reduction.
While the ( ⑤ ) and psychological aspects of weeping are universal, the social and cultural manifestations vary. Cultural norms influence how and when weeping is deemed acceptable, with some societies endorsing emotional expression while others stigmatize and suppress it. Despite ( ⑥ ) influences, the ( ⑦ ) to weep and the basic emotions prompting it are inherent to all humans.
In conclusion, weeping is a widespread human phenomenon rooted in biology, psychology, and shared emotional experiences. Cultural and ( ⑧ ) factors may influence how weeping is expressed, but the ability to weep is universal, surpassing boundaries and serving as a shared connection among all of humanity. Weeping is not a sign of weakness but a symbol of our collective ( ⑨ ), expressing profound emotions and fostering connections on a deep level.

今日の教材はこちらで購入できます。ぜひご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生「make + 人 + 形容詞」をご紹介します。










(01) What is the primary focus of the passage?
a) The cultural diversity of weeping
b) The biological and psychological aspects of weeping
c) The suppression of weeping in certain societies
d) The linguistic significance of tears

(02) According to the passage, what is one of the functions of emotional tears?
a) Ocular lubrication
b) Irritant expulsion
c) Communication of emotions
d) Regulation of ocular surface tension

(03) How does cultural influence affect the manifestation of weeping?
a) It determines the biological aspects of weeping.
b) It modifies the frequency and circumstances of weeping.
c) It eradicates the innate ability to weep.
d) It enhances the therapeutic influence of weeping.

(04) In the context of the passage, what does "ubiquitous" mean?
a) Rare and exceptional
b) Present everywhere
c) Culturally specific
d) Emotional and expressive

(05) What is the meaning of "aptitude" as used in the passage?
a) Natural ability or skill
b) Emotional distress
c) Societal expectation
d) Suppression of emotions

(06) What is the main argument regarding the cultural and societal aspects of weeping?
a) Weeping is universally stigmatized.
b) Cultural influences determine the biological aspects of weeping.
c) Cultural norms impact the expression and acceptance of weeping.
d) Weeping is solely a biological response.

(07) What is the central idea behind the psychological influence of weeping?
a) Weeping is a sign of emotional frailty.
b) Tears serve as a therapeutic means for emotional release.
c) Psychological investigations negate the therapeutic influence of weeping.
d) Emotional tears hinder stress reduction.

(08) According to the passage, what does weeping symbolize on a profound plane?
a) Cultural diversity
b) Feebleness
c) Collective humanity and emotional expression
d) Linguistic significance











1. Weeping constitutes an omnipresent and foundational facet of human conduct that surpasses cultural, geographical, and societal confines.
2. It manifests as an innate and deeply ingrained reaction to a myriad of emotions and scenarios, encompassing euphoria, despondency, agony, exasperation, and solace.
3. Let us delve into the ubiquitous nature of weeping as a communal human act and scrutinize its biological, psychological, and societal dimensions that bind individuals across the globe in their aptitude to shed tears.
4. Primarily, weeping is not constrained to humans but represents a phenomenon ubiquitous throughout the animal realm.
5. In humans, weeping frequently manifests as a physiological retort activated by an emotional state or corporeal unease.
6. While tears fulfill sundry pivotal functions, such as ocular lubrication, irritant expulsion, and ocular surface tension regulation, emotional tears encapsulate distinct biochemical constituents, serving as a modality for emotional expression and communication.
7. Biologically, the faculty to weep constitutes an inherent attribute shared by our species.
8. Infants employ weeping as a means to communicate their requisites and unease.
9. This premature weeping mirrors the intrinsic essence of this conduct that perseveres throughout the entirety of the human life span.
10. Weeping serves as a universal dialect that transcends discrepancies in culture and language.











1. 泣くことは、文化的、地理的、社会的な境界を超えた、人間の行動の普遍的かつ基本的な側面を構成しています。
an omnipresent and foundational facet
and societal confines.
cultural, geographical,
of human conduct
that surpasses
weeping constitutes

2. それは、幸福感、落胆、苦悩、憤慨、慰めを含む無数の感情や状況に対する生まれつきで深く根付いた反応として現れます。
agony, exasperation, and solace.
as an innate and deeply ingrained reaction
encompassing euphoria, despondency,
it manifests
to a myriad of emotions and scenarios,

3. 人間の共有行為としての、泣くことの普遍性を掘り下げ、涙を流す生まれながらの能力において世界中の個人を結びつけている、その生物学的、心理学的、社会的側面を精査してみましょう。
and scrutinize its biological, psychological, and societal dimensions
as a communal human act
in their aptitude to shed tears.
let us delve into the ubiquitous nature of weeping
that bind individuals across the globe

4. 主に、涙を流すことは人間に限ったことではなく、動物界全体に普遍的な現象を表しています。
but represents a phenomenon ubiquitous
not constrained to humans
primarily, weeping is
throughout the animal realm.

5. 人間の場合、涙は感情的な状態や身体的な不安によって引き起こされる生理的な反応として現れることが良くあります。
activated by an emotional state
as a physiological retort
in humans,
or corporeal unease.
weeping frequently manifests

6. 涙は、眼の潤滑、刺激物の排出、眼の表面張力の調節など、さまざまな重要な機能を果たす一方で、感情的な涙は、感情表現と意思の疎通のための一種類として機能し、明確な生化学的成分を内包しています。
and ocular surface tension regulation,
emotional tears encapsulate distinct biochemical constituents,
for emotional expression and communication.
serving as a modality
such as ocular lubrication, irritant expulsion,
while tears fulfill sundry pivotal functions,

7. 生物学的には、涙を流す能力は、私たちの種が共有する固有の属性を構成します。
the faculty to weep
shared by our species.
constitutes an inherent attribute

8. 乳幼児は、自分の欲求や不安を伝える手段として涙を利用します。
and unease.
as a means
infants employ weeping
their requisites
to communicate

9. この早期の泣く行為は、人間の一生を通じて続くこの行為の本質を映し出しています。
of the human life span.
that perseveres
the intrinsic essence of this conduct
this premature weeping mirrors
throughout the entirety

10. 泣くことは、文化や言語の違いを超えた普遍的な言葉として機能しています。

and language.
as a universal dialect
in culture
that transcends discrepancies
weeping serves











1. Collection, the act of gathering and preserving items of interest, has deep roots in human history.

collection, =(~である)収集
act = 行為
gathering and preserving = 集めて保存する
items of interest = 興味のあるもの
has deep roots = 深く根ざしている
in human history = 人類の歴史に

2. While the origins of collecting are challenging to pinpoint, it likely emerged alongside the development of settled societies where people had the leisure to engage in such activities.

while = ~ですが
the origins of collecting = 収集の起源
are challenging = 難しい
to pinpoint = 特定すること
it = collecting
likely emerged = 出現したと考えられる
alongside the development of = ~の発展とともに
settled societies = 定住社会
had the leisure to engage = 従事する余暇を持つ
in such activities = そのような活動に

3. In ancient times, collections were diverse, ranging from tools and food items in the prehistoric era to coins, precious metals, art, and historical artifacts in more advanced civilizations.

in ancient times = 古代では
collections were diverse = 収集品は多岐にわたった
ranging from = ~から
tools and food items = 道具や食料品
in the prehistoric era = 先史時代の
to coins, precious metals, art, and historical artifacts = 硬貨、貴金属、美術品、歴史的遺物まで
in more advanced civilizations = より高度な文明では

4. The concept of collecting as a hobby began to take shape as people sought to deepen their understanding of specific subjects or express artistic appreciation.

the concept = 概念
as a hobby = 趣味としての
began to take shape = 形を成し始めた
as =(~する)中で、時に
sought to deepen = 深めることを求めたり
of specific subjects = 特定の対象に
(sought to) express = 表現することを求めたり
artistic appreciation = 芸術的な鑑賞

5. The earliest forms of collection might include the ancient cave paintings, which, while primarily artistic expressions, could be considered a primitive form of collecting ideas and memories.

the earliest forms of collection = 最古の収集の形
might include = 含むかもしれません
the ancient cave paintings = 古代の洞窟壁画
which, while primarily artistic expressions = それは主に芸術的表現でしたが
could be considered = ~とも考えられる
a primitive form = 原始的な形
of collecting = ~を収集する

6. As societies progressed, so did the sophistication of collections.

as = ~につれて
progressed = 進歩する(した)
so did = ~も進歩した
the sophistication = 巧みさ

7. In Egypt, for instance, the fascination with preserving and understanding their rich civilization led to the collection of artifacts, hieroglyphs, and monumental structures like pyramids.

the fascination with = ~への魅力
preserving and understanding = 保存し理解すること
rich civilization = 豊かな文明
led to = ~を導いた
artifacts = 遺物
hieroglyphs = 象形文字
monumental structures = 記念碑的建造物

8. In modern times, the nature of collecting has evolved along with technological advances.

the nature of = ~のあり方
has evolved along with = ~とともに進化してきている
technological advances = 技術の進歩

9. Digital collection, where images, videos, and documents are stored electronically, has become prevalent.

digital collection = デジタル・コレクション
images, videos = 画像、映像
documents = 文書
are stored electronically = 電子的に保存される
has become prevalent = 普及している

10. This form of collection has advantages in terms of space efficiency and accessibility, allowing us to accumulate vast amounts of data without the need for physical storage.

form of collection = 収集形態
has advantages in terms of = ~という利点がある
space efficiency = スペース効率
accessibility = アクセスのしやすさ
allowing us = 私たちに~を可能にしてくれる
to accumulate = 蓄積すること
vast amounts of data = 膨大な量のデータ
without the need = 必要とせず
for physical storage = 物理的保管











1. Collection, the act of gathering and preserving items of interest, has deep roots in human history.

2. While the origins of collecting are challenging to pinpoint, it likely emerged alongside the development of settled societies where people had the leisure to engage in such activities.

3. In ancient times, collections were diverse, ranging from tools and food items in the prehistoric era to coins, precious metals, art, and historical artifacts in more advanced civilizations.

4. The concept of collecting as a hobby began to take shape as people sought to deepen their understanding of specific subjects or express artistic appreciation.

5. The earliest forms of collection might include the ancient cave paintings, which, while primarily artistic expressions, could be considered a primitive form of collecting ideas and memories.

6. As societies progressed, so did the sophistication of collections.

7. In Egypt, for instance, the fascination with preserving and understanding their rich civilization led to the collection of artifacts, hieroglyphs, and monumental structures like pyramids.

8. In modern times, the nature of collecting has evolved along with technological advances.

9. Digital collection, where images, videos, and documents are stored electronically, has become prevalent.

10. This form of collection has advantages in terms of space efficiency and accessibility, allowing us to accumulate vast amounts of data without the need for physical storage.











1. 興味のあるものを集めて保存する行為である収集とは、人類の歴史に深く根ざしています。
of gathering and preserving
items of interest,
human history.
has deep roots in
collection, the act

2. 収集の起源を特定するのは難しいのですが、人々がそのような活動に従事する余暇を持つ定住社会の発展とともに出現したと考えられます。
alongside the development of settled societies
are challenging to pinpoint,
it likely emerged
to engage in such activities.
where people had the leisure
while the origins of collecting

3. 古代では、先史時代の道具や食料品から、より高度な文明では硬貨、貴金属、美術品、歴史的遺物まで、収集品は多岐にわたりました。
to coins, precious metals, art, and historical artifacts
ranging from tools and food items
in the prehistoric era
in more advanced civilizations.
in ancient times, collections were diverse,

4. 趣味としての収集という概念は、人々が特定の対象に対する理解を深めたり、芸術的な鑑賞を表現しようとしたりする中で(時に)、形を成し始めました。
to deepen their understanding
the concept of collecting as a hobby
or express artistic appreciation.
of specific subjects
began to take shape
as people sought

5. 最古の収集の形は、古代の洞窟壁画が含まれるかもしれません、それは主に芸術的表現でしたが、考えや記憶を収集する原始的な形とも考えられます。
which, while primarily artistic expressions,
the earliest forms of collection
of collecting ideas and memories.
might include the ancient cave paintings,
could be considered a primitive form

6. 社会が進歩するにつれ、収集品の巧みさも進歩しました。
the sophistication
so did
of collections.
as societies progressed,

7. 例えば、エジプトでは、豊かな文明を保存し理解することへの魅力が、遺物や象形文字、ピラミッドのような記念碑的建造物の収集を導きました。
the fascination with preserving
led to the collection of artifacts, hieroglyphs,
in Egypt, for instance,
and understanding their rich civilization
and monumental structures like pyramids.

8. 現代になると、技術の進歩とともに収集のあり方も進化してきています。
the nature of collecting
in modern times,
has evolved
along with technological advances.

9. 画像、映像、文書が電子的に保存されるデジタル・コレクションが普及しています。
where images, videos, and documents
has become prevalent.
digital collection,
are stored electronically,

10. この収集形態は、スペース効率やアクセスのしやすさという利点があり、物理的保管を必要とせずに、私たちが膨大な量のデータを蓄積することを可能にしてくれています。
without the need for physical storage.
vast amounts of data
this form of collection has advantages
in terms of space efficiency and accessibility,
allowing us to accumulate










英語の家が作成し利用している教材の一部を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生英語教材、「現在完了形 経験」の一部で、並べ替え問題第2回を掲載します。

1. 私はこの本を一度読んだことがあります。
this book
have read

2. あなたはこれまでにカレーライスを作ったことはありますか?
curry rice?
have you

3. 彼はこの場所で彼らと何度も会ったことがあります。
at this place
he has
many times.
seen them

4. 私たちはハワイを何度も訪れていますが、去年は行きませんでした。
but did not go last year.
many times
to Hawaii
we have been

5. 彼らはクリケットを2度しかやったことがありません。
played cricket
they have

6. 彼女はフランスを訪れたことはありますか?

7. 私はその音楽を何度も聴いたことがあります。
this music
many times.
I have listened

8. 実は、彼女はコンピューターを一度も使ったことがありません。
she has never used
in her life.
as a matter of fact,
a computer

9. あなたはこの汚れた川でこれまで泳いだことはありますか?
in this dirty river
have you
ever swum

10. 彼らはこれまでにドイツ語を勉強したことはありません。
German before.
they have










英語の家が作成し利用している教材の一部を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生英語教材、「現在完了形 経験」の一部で、和訳問題を掲載します。

1. I have read this book once.

2. Have you ever cooked curry rice?

3. He has seen them at this place many times.

4. We have been to Hawaii many times but did not go last year.

5. They have only played cricket twice.

6. Has she visited France?

7. I have listened to this music many times.

8. As a matter of fact, she has never used a computer in her life.

9. Have you ever swum in this dirty river before?

10. They have never studied German before.

11. I have never been to Moscow.

12. Has he ever listened to this music?

13. We have never visited London.

14. Have they seen the fossils before?

15. She has worked as an advisor at this company.

16. Have you visited any zoos in Russia?

17. Has she seen the painter anywhere before?

18. He has washed an airplane once.

19. We have never climbed Mt. Takao.

20. I have been to many concerts in the hall.

今日の教材はこちらで購入できます。どうぞ、ご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生英語教材「現在完了形 経験」の一部で、並べ替え問題第2回をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材の一部を紹介しています。今日は、中学3年生英語教材、「現在完了形 経験」の一部で、並べ替え問題第1回を掲載します。

1. 私はこの本を一度読んだことがあります。
this book
I have read

2. あなたはこれまでにカレーライスを作ったことはありますか?
curry rice?
ever cooked
have you

3. 彼はこの場所で彼らと何度も会ったことがあります。
many times.
he has seen them
at this place

4. 私たちはハワイを何度も訪れていますが、去年は行きませんでした。
but did not go last year.
many times
we have been to Hawaii

5. 彼らはクリケットを2度しかやったことがありません。
only played cricket
they have

6. 彼女はフランスを訪れたことはありますか?
has she

7. 私はその音楽を何度も聴いたことがあります。
to this music
many times.
I have listened

8. 実は、彼女はコンピューターを一度も使ったことがありません。
she has never used
as a matter of fact,
a computer in her life.

9. あなたはこの汚れた川でこれまで泳いだことはありますか?
in this dirty river
have you ever swum

10. 彼らはこれまでにドイツ語を勉強したことはありません。
German before.
never studied
they have

今日の教材はこちらで購入できます。どうぞ、ご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生英語教材「現在完了形 経験」の一部で、和訳問題をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材の一部を紹介しています。今日は、中学2年生英語教材、「be going to + 動詞の原形」の一部で、並べ替え問題第2回を掲載します。

1. 私たちはゴールデンウィーク期間中にモスクワを訪れるつもりです。
the “Golden Week” holidays.
to visit Moscow
we are going

2. 彼は次の日曜日に映画を見に行くつもりです。
to the movies
to go
next Sunday.
he is going

3. あなたは放課後に彼に会うつもりですか?
to meet
are you going
after school?

4. 彼らは明日、レストランでアラビア料理を食べるつもりです。
to eat
they are going
at the restaurant tomorrow.
Arabic food

5. 彼女は今年アフガニスタンに行くつもりはありません。
to go
to Afghanistan
this year.
she is not going

6. 私は今週末にインドカレーを作るつもりです。
to make
this weekend.
Indian curry
I am going

7. 彼は来月、私にペルシア語を教えるつもりですか?
to teach me
the Persian language
next month?
is he going

8. 私は昼食のためにニンジン2本、タマネギ1個、ジャガイモ数個を買うつもりです。
two carrots, one onion,
to buy
and some potatoes for lunch.
I am going

9. 彼女は今週金曜日に図書館に行くつもりです。
to the library
to go
this Friday.
she is going

10. 彼らは来年留学に行くつもりですか?
to study
next year?
are they going

今日の教材はこちらで購入できます。どうぞ、ご利用下さい。明日は中学3年生英語教材「現在完了形 経験」をご紹介します。









英語の家が作成し利用している教材の一部を紹介しています。今日は、中学2年生英語教材、「be going to + 動詞の原形」の一部で、和訳問題を掲載します。

1. We are going to visit Moscow during the “Golden Week” holidays.

2. He is going to go to the movies next Sunday.

3. Are you going to meet him after school?

4. They are going to eat Arabic food at the restaurant tomorrow.

5. She is not going to go to Afghanistan this year.

6. I am going to make Indian curry this weekend.

7. Is he going to teach me the Persian language next month?

8. I am going to buy two carrots, one onion, and some potatoes for lunch.

9. She is going to go to the library this Friday.

10. Are they going to study abroad next year?

11. Are you going to study in Kazakhstan?

12. He is not going to buy this tennis racket until this weekend.

13. I am going to jog on the beach this Friday morning.

14. In Egypt, I’m going to do some sightseeing.

15. Is she going to visit her friend’s house next Tuesday?

16. They are going to see some Van Gogh’s works at the museum this weekend.

17. I’m not going to read this book today.

18. He is going to have breakfast early in the morning.

19. Are they going to visit Edinburgh Castle during this summer?

20. We are going to make a big Pizza Margherita after school.










英語の家が作成し利用している教材の一部を紹介しています。今日は、中学2年生英語教材、「be going to + 動詞の原形」の一部で、並べ替え問題第一回目を掲載します。

1. 私たちはゴールデンウィーク期間中にモスクワを訪れるつもりです。
during the “Golden Week” holidays.
to visit Moscow
we are going

2. 彼は次の日曜日に映画を見に行くつもりです。
to go to the movies
next Sunday.
he is going

3. あなたは放課後に彼に会うつもりですか?
to meet him
are you going
after school?

4. 彼らは明日、レストランでアラビア料理を食べるつもりです。
to eat Arabic food
they are going
at the restaurant tomorrow.

5. 彼女は今年アフガニスタンに行くつもりはありません。
to go to Afghanistan
this year.
she is not going

6. 私は今週末にインドカレーを作るつもりです。
to make Indian curry
this weekend.
I am going

7. 彼は来月、私にペルシア語を教えるつもりですか?
to teach me
the Persian language next month?
is he going

8. 私は昼食のためにニンジン2本、タマネギ1個、ジャガイモ数個を買うつもりです。
two carrots, one onion, and some potatoes for lunch.
to buy
I am going

9. 彼女は今週金曜日に図書館に行くつもりです。
to go to the library
this Friday.
she is going

10. 彼らは来年留学に行くつもりですか?
to study abroad
next year?
are they going











1. 私はテニスが大好きです。
I like

2. 君は野球が好きだね。

3. 私たちは山登りが好きです。

4. 彼はスキューバダイビングが好きです。

5. 彼女は日本が大好きです。
very much.

6. タクヤは水泳が好きです。

7. ナンシーは日本文化が好きです。

8. タクヤとナンシーは寿司が好きです。
and Nancy

9. 彼らは日本のアニメが好きです。

10. 私の猫は眠ることが大好きです。
my cat
very much.











1. I like tennis very much.

2. You like baseball.

3. We like mountain climbing.

4. He likes scuba diving.

5. She likes Japan very much.

6. Takuya likes swimming.

7. Nancy likes Japanese culture.

8. Takuya and Nancy like sushi.

9. They like Japanese anime.

10. My cat likes sleeping very much.

11. My cats like swimming.

12. Your sister sings very well.

13. I go to bed at 10 o’clock every night.

14. Nancy goes to school at 7:30 every morning.

15. You have two sisters.

16. Takuya has one brother and one sister.

17. We eat breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning.

18. My father sometimes eats lunch in the restaurant with his friends.

19. Our teacher lives with his family near the school.

20. They usually study after school in the library.











1. 私はテニスが大好きです。
very much.
I like

2. 君は野球が好きだね。

3. 私たちは山登りが好きです。
mountain climbing.

4. 彼はスキューバダイビングが好きです。
scuba diving.

5. 彼女は日本が大好きです。
very much.

6. タクヤは水泳が好きです。

7. ナンシーは日本文化が好きです。
Japanese culture.

8. タクヤとナンシーは寿司が好きです。
Takuya and Nancy

9. 彼らは日本のアニメが好きです。
Japanese anime.

10. 私の猫は眠ることが大好きです。
my cat
very much.












Susie is the oldest daughter.
She has two younger sisters.
She helps her parents with the household chores.
She cooks and washes dishes.
She also sweeps the floor.
She picks up her two younger sisters from school.
She also teaches them to do the right thing.
She tells them to be honest and kind to others.
They love Susie.
Her parents love her too.
And Susie loves her family too.

(70 words)














Weeping is a universal and fundamental aspect of human behavior that transcends cultural, geographical, and societal boundaries. It is an innate reaction to various emotions, including joy, sadness, pain, frustration, and comfort. Weeping is not exclusive to ( ① ); it is a phenomenon observed throughout the animal kingdom. In humans, tears serve physiological functions such as lubrication and irritant expulsion, but ( ② ) tears also convey specific biochemical components for emotional ( ③ ).
Biologically, the ability to weep is inherent in humans and starts from infancy as a means of communication. Weeping serves as a universal language that communicates emotions such as sorrow, joy, empathy, frustration, and comfort without the need for verbal articulation. Psychologically, ( ④ ) has a therapeutic effect, acting as a coping mechanism for the release of pent-up emotions and stress reduction.
While the ( ⑤ ) and psychological aspects of weeping are universal, the social and cultural manifestations vary. Cultural norms influence how and when weeping is deemed acceptable, with some societies endorsing emotional expression while others stigmatize and suppress it. Despite ( ⑥ ) influences, the ( ⑦ ) to weep and the basic emotions prompting it are inherent to all humans.
In conclusion, weeping is a widespread human phenomenon rooted in biology, psychology, and shared emotional experiences. Cultural and ( ⑧ ) factors may influence how weeping is expressed, but the ability to weep is universal, surpassing boundaries and serving as a shared connection among all of humanity. Weeping is not a sign of weakness but a symbol of our collective ( ⑨ ), expressing profound emotions and fostering connections on a deep level.











1. 泣くことは、文化的、地理的、社会的な境界を超えた、人間の行動の普遍的かつ基本的な側面を構成しています。

an omnipresent and foundational facet
and societal confines.
cultural, geographical,
of human conduct
that surpasses
weeping constitutes

2. それは、幸福感、落胆、苦悩、憤慨、慰めを含む無数の感情や状況に対する生まれつきで深く根付いた反応として現れます。

agony, exasperation, and solace.
as an innate and deeply ingrained reaction
encompassing euphoria, despondency,
it manifests
to a myriad of emotions and scenarios,

3. 人間の共有行為としての、泣くことの普遍性を掘り下げ、涙を流す生まれながらの能力において世界中の個人を結びつけている、その生物学的、心理学的、社会的側面を精査してみましょう。

and scrutinize its biological, psychological, and societal dimensions
as a communal human act
in their aptitude to shed tears.
let us delve into the ubiquitous nature of weeping
that bind individuals across the globe

4. 主に、涙を流すことは人間に限ったことではなく、動物界全体に普遍的な現象を表しています。

but represents a phenomenon ubiquitous
not constrained to humans
primarily, weeping is
throughout the animal realm.

5. 人間の場合、涙は感情的な状態や身体的な不安によって引き起こされる生理的な反応として現れることが良くあります。

activated by an emotional state
as a physiological retort
in humans,
or corporeal unease.
weeping frequently manifests

6. 涙は、眼の潤滑、刺激物の排出、眼の表面張力の調節など、さまざまな重要な機能を果たす一方で、感情的な涙は、感情表現と意思の疎通のための一種類として機能し、明確な生化学的成分を内包しています。

and ocular surface tension regulation,
emotional tears encapsulate distinct biochemical constituents,
for emotional expression and communication.
serving as a modality
such as ocular lubrication, irritant expulsion,
while tears fulfill sundry pivotal functions,

7. 生物学的には、涙を流す能力は、私たちの種が共有する固有の属性を構成します。

the faculty to weep
shared by our species.
constitutes an inherent attribute

8. 乳幼児は、自分の欲求や不安を伝える手段として涙を利用します。

and unease.
as a means
infants employ weeping
their requisites
to communicate

9. この早期の泣く行為は、人間の一生を通じて続くこの行為の本質を映し出しています。

of the human life span.
that perseveres
the intrinsic essence of this conduct
this premature weeping mirrors
throughout the entirety

10. 泣くことは、文化や言語の違いを超えた普遍的な言葉として機能しています。

and language.
as a universal dialect
in culture
that transcends discrepancies
weeping serves












Weeping constitutes an omnipresent and foundational facet of human conduct that surpasses cultural, geographical, and societal confines. It manifests as an innate and deeply ingrained reaction to a myriad of emotions and scenarios, encompassing euphoria, despondency, agony, exasperation, and solace. Let us delve into the ubiquitous nature of weeping as a communal human act and scrutinize its biological, psychological, and societal dimensions that bind individuals across the globe in their aptitude to shed tears.
Primarily, weeping is not constrained to humans but represents a phenomenon ubiquitous throughout the animal realm. In humans, weeping frequently manifests as a physiological retort activated by an emotional state or corporeal unease. While tears fulfill sundry pivotal functions, such as ocular lubrication, irritant expulsion, and ocular surface tension regulation, emotional tears encapsulate distinct biochemical constituents, serving as a modality for emotional expression and communication.
Biologically, the faculty to weep constitutes an inherent attribute shared by our species. Infants employ weeping as a means to communicate their requisites and unease. This premature weeping mirrors the intrinsic essence of this conduct that perseveres throughout the entirety of the human life span.
Weeping serves as a universal dialect that transcends discrepancies in culture and language. It represents an inborn retort to a wide spectrum of emotional encounters and can articulate sentiments of sorrow, bliss, empathy, exasperation, and solace sans the necessity for verbal articulation. Irrespective of cultural or linguistic backdrop, tears articulate a profundity of emotion that language in isolation fails to encapsulate.
Moreover, psychological investigations consistently affirm that weeping exerts a therapeutic influence. Tears function as an inherent coping mechanism for the liberation of pent-up emotions and stress reduction. Whether stemming from sorrow, ire, or elation, weeping constitutes a prevalent human conduct and a conventional avenue for the processing and expression of intricate emotions.
While the biological and psychological facets of weeping exhibit universality, the social and cultural manifestations of weeping exhibit divergence from one culture to another. Certain societies endorse emotional expression and the public exhibition of tears, whereas others stigmatize and suppress weeping, associating it with frailty and a deficiency in emotional regulation.
Cultural norms and anticipations have the potential to mold how individuals articulate emotions, determining when and where weeping is deemed acceptable. Nevertheless, while cultural influences may modify the frequency and circumstances of weeping, the capability to weep and the rudimentary emotions that instigate weeping are inherent to all humans.
In summation, weeping constitutes a prevalent human endeavor, entrenched in biology, psychology, and shared emotional ordeals. While cultural and societal elements may impact the manifestation of weeping, the intrinsic ability to weep is all-encompassing. It surpasses boundaries, languages, and traditions, functioning as a shared strand uniting the entirety of humanity. Weeping is not indicative of feebleness but rather emblematic of our collective humanity—a medium for expressing our profoundest emotions and establishing connections with others on a profound plane. The capacity to weep in the face of joy, sorrow, and a spectrum of human emotions serves as a reminder that, notwithstanding our disparities, we are fundamentally unified.

(504 words)












Crying is a universal and fundamental human behavior that transcends cultural, geographic, and social boundaries. It is a natural and deeply rooted response to a wide range of emotions and situations, including joy, sadness, pain, frustration, and relief. Let us explore the universality of crying as a common human act and examine its biological, psychological, and social aspects that unite people around the world in their ability to shed tears.
First, crying is not limited to humans, but is a phenomenon found throughout the animal kingdom. In humans, crying is often a physiological response triggered by an emotional state or physical discomfort. While tears have several important functions, such as lubricating the eyes, removing irritants, and regulating the surface tension of the eyes, emotional tears contain different biochemical components and serve as a means of emotional expression and communication.
Biologically, the ability to cry is an inherent feature common to our species. Infants cry to communicate their needs and discomfort. This early crying reflects the fundamental nature of this act that persists throughout the human life span.
Crying is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic differences. Crying is an innate response to a wide range of emotional experiences and can convey feelings of sadness, happiness, empathy, frustration, and relief without the need for words. Regardless of cultural or linguistic background, tears convey a depth of emotion that words alone cannot capture.
Furthermore, psychological research has consistently shown that crying has a therapeutic effect. Tears are a natural coping mechanism for releasing pent up emotions and reducing stress. Whether sadness, anger, or joy, crying is a common human behavior and a common way to process and express complex emotions.
Now, while the biological and psychological aspects of crying are universal, the social and cultural expressions of crying vary from culture to culture. Some societies encourage emotional expression and public display of tears, while others stigmatize and repress crying, associating it with weakness and lack of emotional control.
Cultural norms and expectations can shape how people express emotions and influence when and where crying is considered appropriate. However, while cultural factors may alter the frequency and circumstances of crying, the ability to cry and the basic emotions that trigger crying are common to all humans.
In conclusion, crying is a common human activity, rooted in biology, psychology, and shared emotional experiences. While cultural and social factors may influence the expression of crying, the basic capacity to cry is universal. It transcends borders, languages, and customs and serves as a common thread connecting all of humanity. Crying is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of our shared humanity, a means of expressing our deepest emotions and connecting with others on a profound level. The ability to cry in the face of joy, sadness, and a wide range of human emotions reminds us that we are all one, despite our differences.

(481 words)











Laughter, a potent emotion, brings ( ① ) and joy, enhancing our lives in various ways. Whether enjoying a comedy show or appreciating a clever joke, humor adds a positive dimension to life's ( ② ). Examining its impact on the mind, relationships, and body, we find ( ③ ) functions as a universal language, transcending cultural and linguistic boundaries. The physical response to ( ④ ) involves the release of ( ⑤ ), the brain's happy chemicals, reducing stress and contributing to a sense of well-being.
In challenging moments, humor serves as a relaxation tool, diverting attention from stress and fostering mental ease. Studies indicate its role in alleviating feelings of sadness or anxiety, offering a positive outlet for tough emotions and enhancing emotional well-being during difficult times. Beyond individual benefits, humor fosters ( ⑥ ), creating positive social interactions among friends, family, and even strangers.
Furthermore, humor proves instrumental in navigating challenging situations, easing tension, promoting understanding, and cultivating a friendly atmosphere. The cognitive aspect of humor stimulates creative thinking through clever wordplay and jokes, contributing to problem-solving and innovation. In essence, humor is an integral part of the human experience, uniting physical, mental, and social advantages. By inducing laughter and promoting creativity, it reminds us to face life's challenges with a lighthearted perspective, embracing moments of joy and genuine laughter.











1. 笑いは、私たちの生活に幸福と喜びをもたらす特別で強い感情です。

a special and strong feeling
laughter is
that brings happiness and joy
to our lives.

2. お笑い番組で私たちが大笑いする時も、気の利いたジョークに微笑む時も、ユーモアは私たちの生活をより良いものにし、私たちが直面するいつもの難題に楽しいな感じを加えてくれます。

and adds a happy touch
at a comedy show
humor makes our lives better
or smiling at a clever joke,
to the usual challenges we face.
whether we're laughing loudly

3. ユーモアが私たちの心、人間関係、身体にどのように影響するかなど、ユーモアのさまざまな側面を探り、なぜそれがそんなに楽いのかを理解してみましょう。

and understand
let's explore
like how it affects our minds,
relationships, and bodies,
the different sides of humor,
why it's so enjoyable.

4. まず、笑うことは、出身地や話す言語に関係なく、誰もが理解できる言語のようなものです。

everyone can understand,
first, laughing is like a language
no matter
or what language they speak.
where they're from

5. それは私たちの体が面白いことに反応する基本的な方法であり、たいてい私たちを幸せな気分にさせてくれます。

and usually
feel happy.
it's a basic way
makes us
our bodies react
to funny things

6. 笑うと、私たちの脳は、幸せの化学物質のようなエンドルフィンと呼ばれるものを放出します。

like happy chemicals.
our brains release
something called endorphins,
when we laugh,
which are

7. これは気分を良くし、ストレスを軽くしてくれて、ユーモアがとても素敵な一つの理由です。

and less stressed,
and that's one reason
feel good
this makes us
why humor is so nice.

8. ユーモアはまた、人生がつらいときに私たちを寛がせてくれます。

helps us relax
humor also
life gets tough.

9. 私たちは面白いものに出会うと、それは私たちの心をストレスや心配事から解放してくれて、心を穏やかにしてくれます。

from stress and worry,
it takes our minds away
making us feel
more at ease.
something funny,
when we come across

10. この心の休息は喜びをもたらすだけでなく、私たちの精神衛生にも大きな影響を与えてくれます。

but also has a big impact
not only brings joy
on our mental health.
this mental break











The Joy of Humor

Laughter is a special and strong feeling that brings happiness and joy to our lives. Whether we're laughing loudly at a comedy show or smiling at a clever joke, humor makes our lives better and adds a happy touch to the usual challenges we face. Let's explore the different sides of humor, like how it affects our minds, relationships, and bodies, and understand why it's so enjoyable.
First, laughing is like a language everyone can understand, no matter where they're from or what language they speak. It's a basic way our bodies react to funny things and usually makes us feel happy. When we laugh, our brains release something called endorphins, which are like happy chemicals. This makes us feel good and less stressed, and that's one reason why humor is so nice.
Humor also helps us relax when life gets tough. When we come across something funny, it takes our minds away from stress and worry, making us feel more at ease. This mental break not only brings joy but also has a big impact on our mental health.
Studies show that humor can help lessen feelings of being very sad or anxious. By giving us a positive way to deal with tough emotions and helping us feel stronger when we're facing hard times, humor can make our emotional well-being better.
Additionally, humor brings people together. When we share laughter with friends, family, or even people we don't know, it helps create connections and positive social moments.
Humor is also a useful way to make tough situations feel less serious and solve problems between people. Using humor when things are stressful can ease tension, help understanding, and make the atmosphere more friendly. It helps people find common ground.
Moreover, humor makes our minds work in interesting ways. Clever jokes and wordplay make us think differently and be creative in how we understand things. This mental challenge is stimulating and enjoyable, especially when we get the joke or appreciate the clever way words and ideas are used.
Humor is closely connected to being creative and coming up with new ideas. Many smart inventors, writers, and artists have used humor in their work. Seeing the world in a funny way leads to new and fresh ideas, helping with creative problem-solving.
In simple terms, humor is a very important part of being human, and there's no secret to why it's so enjoyable. It brings together physical, mental, and social benefits, from making our bodies release happy chemicals to helping with stress and connecting with others. Humor helps us deal with life's challenges with a light heart, giving us moments of joy and laughter, encouraging our creativity, and reminding us that life is best enjoyed with a real, heartfelt laugh.

(457 words)











1. 数百万年間地球の大洋のいたる所で浮かんでいて、脳も心臓もないのはどの動物でしょうか?

and has no brain or heart?
through the earth’s oceans millions of years,
which animal has been floating

2. 答えることが不可能な質問のように、これは聞こえるかもしれませんが、そうではありません。

an impossible question to answer,
but it isn’t.
this might sound like

3. クラゲは世界で一番奇妙な生物たちの一つです。

is one of the world’s
strangest living things.
the jellyfish

4. ほとんどの動物で普通である内臓を持つということの代わりに、彼らを生存させてくれる特別な細胞をクラゲは持っています。

that are common in most animals,
jellyfish have special cells which allow them to survive.
instead of having organs

5. ほんの350だけが名前を与えられているだけなのですが、2000種ものクラゲがいるかもしれないと科学者たちは考えています。

scientists think there may be
as many as 2,000 species of jellyfish.
although only 350 have been given names,

6. 水面から深海まで、世界のどこの大洋でも、彼らは見受けられます。

from the surface to the deep water.
in every ocean in the world,
they can be found

7. とても多くのタイプ(類型)があるので、クラゲにとっては異なった形、色そして大きさがある事は驚きではありません。

it is not surprising for jellyfish
since there are so many types,
to have different shapes, colors, and sizes.

8. 人間よりも大きいのもいれば、針の先程の小ささのもいます。

and others are
as small as the top of a pin.
some are larger than humans,

9. (英語で言う)ジェリーフィッシュという単語それ自身は人々を混乱させます。

jellyfish itself
makes people confused.
the word

10. 彼らは背骨がないので、クラゲは実は魚ではありません。

a back bone.
because they don’t have
jellyfish are not actually fish

11. 実は、クラゲは全く骨がないのです。

no bones at all.
jellyfish have
in fact,

12. 一匹のクラゲの95%以上がただの水です。

is just water.
of a jellyfish
over 95%

13. クラゲは動物園と水族館の両方で見られる数少ない動物の一つです。

at both zoos and aquariums.
jellyfish are one of the few animals
that can be seen

14. アメリカのいくつかの水族館は彼らをジェリーフィッシュと呼ぶことを拒み、その代わりに「シー・ジェリー」という単語を使います。

and use the word “sea jellies” instead.
refuse to call them jellyfish
some aquariums in America

15. クラゲの身体はかなり独特です。

is quite unique.
of a jellyfish
the body

16. その形のために、その頭部は「ベル」と、しばしば呼ばれます。

because of its shape.
the head is often called
the “bell”

17. 彼らは脳も鼻も目もないので、クラゲは動いたり、食べ物か危険に反応したりする彼らを助けてくれるために、ベルの脇のあちこちにある感覚細胞に頼っています。

to help them move and react to food or danger.
jellyfish depend on sense cells around the sides of the bell
because they have no brain, nose or eyes,

18. これらの細胞はさらに、彼らが光から離れているか、向かっている時かを、そして彼らが上に向かっているか、下に向かっている時かを、彼らに知らせてくれます。

when they are moving from or toward light
these cells also tell them
and when they are going up or down.

19. クラゲは通常の方法では呼吸をしていません。

don’t take a breath
in the usual way.

20. 彼らの薄い皮膚に通した水から彼らは酸素を取り込み、それから同じ方法で二酸化酸素を放出します。

and then release carbon dioxide in the same way.
from the water through their thin skin
they take in oxygen

21. クラゲは触手と呼ばれる、長く、細い腕があります。

called tentacles.
jellyfish have
long, thin arms,

22. それらはベルの下部に垂れていて、200フィート(約60m)以上に伸びることが可能なものもあります。

and some can reach
more than 200 feet long!
they hang below the bell

23. それらは、他の小さな浮遊している動物といった、彼らの餌を捕まえるためにクラゲが使う、針で覆われています。

such as other small, floating animals.
they are covered with stingers
which jellyfish use to catch their food,

24. より小さな魚がそれらに対して触れる時、それらは彼らに毒針を撃ちます。

they shoot them with poison.
touches against them,
when a smaller fish

25. その触手は、その後、ベルの中心部にある口へと、その食べ物を運びます。

at the center of the bell.
the tentacles
then carry the food to the mouth

26. クラゲのある種は、5分もかからずに人間を殺すことのできるとても多くの毒を放つ針を持っています。

which release so much poison
that they can kill a human in less than five minutes.
one species of jellyfish has stingers

27. クラゲは特異な方法で動きます。

in different ways.

28. 彼ら自身で泳ぐために、彼らは自分たちのベルを水で一杯にし、その後それを再び押し出します。

and then push it out again.
they fill their bells with water
to swim on their own,

29. ベルから遠くへ、下に向かって、その水を押すことにより、そのクラゲは反対の向きに動きます。

away from the bell,
by pushing the water down,
the jellyfish moves in the opposite direction.

30. それはロケットがすることに似ています。

a rocket does.
it’s similar
to what

31. クラゲは泳げるのですが、水の動きが彼らがどこへ行くかを通常は支配します。

the movement of the water
though jellyfish can swim,
usually controls where they go.

32. 次の食糧源が彼らの触手に捕まるのを待っている間は、大洋の至る所で浮いているだけで、ほとんどのクラゲは満足しています。

while they wait for the next food source
to be caught in their tentacles.
most jellyfish are happy just to float through the oceans,

33. クラゲの身体はあまり強くないので、荒れた海がそれのベルや触手を痛める可能性があります。

stormy waters can damage
since the body of a jellyfish is not very strong,
its bell or tentacles.

34. 更にひどいと、嵐によって海岸へとずっと彼らは運ばれてしまうかもしれません。

they might be carried
even worse,
all the way to the shore by the storm.

35. 水の外では、彼らは数時間しか生きていられません。

they’ll only survive
out of the water,
a few hours.

36. もしあなたが浜でそれを見たら、あなたがそれをどこで見たのか覚えておいてください。

where you saw it.
if you see one on the beach,

37. 翌日に戻ってください、そのクラゲのほとんどが無くなってしまっていることに、あなたは気付くでしょう。

that most of the jellyfish has melted.
go back the next day
and you’ll find

38. それの皮膚のいくらかしか残っていないでしょう。

will remain.
only some
of its skin

39. そしてそれには触らないように気を付けて下さい、なぜなら、彼らは死んだ後でさえも、その針をまだ使えるクラゲがいるからです!

– even after they’re dead!
because some jellyfish can still use their stingers
and be careful not to touch it

40. 水の汚染のために、多くの海洋生物の個体数は減少しています。

are decreasing
because of pollution in the water.
the populations of many sea animals

41. しかし、クラゲはこの10年間で増加しています。

for the past ten years.
jellyfish have been increasing

42. 汚染が彼らには影響を持たないという事を、それは意味しています。

an influence on them.
that means
that pollution doesn’t have

43. クラゲの透明な身体が、他の動物や魚によって食べられてしまう事から、それを保護してくれているとも科学者たちは考えています。

from being eaten by other animals or fish.
scientists also think
the clear body of a jellyfish protects it

44. 国によっては、大洋の大量のクラゲが観光客を怖がらせ寄り付かなくさせています。

the high number of jellyfish in the oceans
is scaring away tourists.
in some countries,

45. その個体数を減らすために、自治体によっては人々にそれらを食べることを求めています。

are asking people to eat them!
some local governments
to decrease the population,

46. クラゲは世界中で見られます。

all over the world.
can be seen

47. ペットとして彼らを飼う人々さえいます。

as pets.
even keep them
some people

48. 水のあちこちをゆっくりと浮いている彼らを見ることは、楽しくあなたをリラックスさせてくれます。

is fun and makes you feel relaxed.
through the water
watching them slowly float

49. 脳がなくても、クラゲは数百万年間も生き延びるためには、かなり賢いに違いありません。

to survive for millions of years.
jellyfish must be pretty smart
even without brains,

(686 words)











Cat and mouse

The cat is bored.
She is lazily sitting by the window.
The afternoon sun is shining and it is warm.
She finds a ball of yarn.
She tries to play with the ball of yarn.
She is still bored.
She finds a mouse.
The mouse is eating cheese.
She takes the cheese away from the mouse.
The mouse gets angry.
The mouse chases her.
She has fun.

(67 words)














Interreligious conflict, a longstanding and intricate issue in human history, shaped by differing faiths, has historically led to violence and division. Despite its historical prevalence, the dynamics of interreligious conflict have evolved, offering possibilities for change in the 21st century. This essay explores the historical context, current state, and potential future of interreligious conflict.
Throughout history, religious disputes fueled wars and persecutions, exemplified by the Crusades and the European Wars of Religion. Political leaders often exploited faith to ( ① ) power, as seen in the Thirty Years' War in Europe.
In the present, interreligious relations exhibit a dual nature. Positive aspects include interfaith dialogue promoting unity around common goals like peace. Conversely, tensions persist, escalating to violence, especially when linked with extremism, as witnessed in acts of terror committed in the name of religion.
Root causes of interreligious conflict include ( ② ) belief systems, political exploitation, historical baggage, and economic and social factors. The future of interreligious conflict is not predetermined, dependent on various factors.
Addressing these issues requires continued interfaith dialogue, religious literacy promotion through education, and government policies ( ③ ) religious freedom. Global cooperation, youth engagement, and the influence of religious leadership are ( ④ ) for conflict resolution and peace-building.
In conclusion, while history reflects the destructive nature of interreligious conflict, the contemporary landscape presents opportunities for both cooperation and tension. The future depends on ( ⑤ ) efforts to encourage dialogue, understanding, and peaceful ( ⑥ ), ( ⑦ ) towards a world where religious diversity is celebrated, and conflicts are peacefully resolved.











(01) Which historical events are mentioned as examples of religious conflicts in the passage?
a) The Renaissance
b) The Crusades
c) The Industrial Revolution
d) The French Revolution

(02) According to the passage, what is the dualistic interplay in contemporary interreligious relations?
a) Cooperation and historical baggage
b) Positive and negative dimensions
c) Economic factors and political exploitation
d) The Thirty Years' War and the European Wars of Religion

(03) In the "Reasons for Interreligious Conflict" section, what is the meaning of "divergent" in "Divergent Belief Systems"?
a) Similar
b) Converging
c) Different
d) Merged

(04) What is the main theme of the "Current Landscape" section?
a) Historical conflicts
b) Interfaith dialogue
c) Religious tensions
d) Positive and negative dimensions in interreligious relations

(05) What is the central idea of the "Reasons for Interreligious Conflict" section?
a) Economic and social factors
b) Divergent belief systems
c) Political leaders' manipulation
d) Historical baggage

(06) What is the primary focus of the "Future Prospects" section?
a) Historical conflicts
b) Youth engagement
c) Interfaith collaboration
d) Government policies

(07) According to the passage, what are the consequences of the European Wars of Religion?
a) Economic disparities
b) Positive interfaith relations
c) Social inequalities
d) Devastating consequences

(08) Based on the passage, what can be inferred about the relationship between interreligious conflict and political aspirations?
a) Interreligious conflict is entirely unrelated to political aspirations.
b) Political leaders have historically exploited religion for their political goals.
c) Interreligious conflict has little impact on political landscapes.
d) The passage does not provide any information on the link between religion and politics.

(09) In the "Reasons for Interreligious Conflict" section, what inference can be drawn about the role of economic factors in contributing to religious tensions?
a) Economic factors are irrelevant to interreligious conflict.
b) Economic competition is a significant contributor to religious tensions.
c) Economic factors only affect historical baggage.
d) Economic disparities promote interfaith collaboration.

(10) What inference can be made regarding the connection between youth engagement and the future prospects of interreligious conflict?
a) Youth engagement is irrelevant to the future of interreligious conflict.
b) Youth involvement is crucial for fostering interfaith collaboration.
c) The passage does not discuss the role of youth in interreligious relations.
d) Youth engagement leads to increased historical baggage.

(11) How do government policies contribute to both the current landscape and future prospects of interreligious relations?
a) Government policies have no impact on interreligious conflict.
b) Policies safeguarding religious freedom are essential for positive transformation.
c) The passage does not discuss the role of governments in interfaith collaboration.
d) Political exploitation is the only government-related aspect mentioned.

(12) Compare the dynamics of interreligious conflict in the 21st century with historical religious conflicts.
a) There are no similarities between modern and historical conflicts.
b) Both historical and contemporary conflicts involve violence and persecution.
c) Historical conflicts were less complex than those in the 21st century.
d) Modern conflicts are entirely peaceful, unlike historical religious wars.

(13) Contrast the positive and negative dimensions of contemporary interreligious relations mentioned in the passage.
a) The positive and negative dimensions are indistinguishable in the passage.
b) Positive dimensions include violence, while negative dimensions focus on cooperation.
c) Interfaith dialogue represents positive dimensions, while tensions and violence characterize negative dimensions.
d) Positive and negative dimensions only exist in historical conflicts.











Interreligious Conflict

Interreligious conflict is a complex and enduring issue that has left an indelible mark on the course of human history. These conflicts, driven by differences in faith and belief, have often led to violence, persecution, and societal divisions. Nonetheless, as we navigate the 21st century, the dynamics of interreligious conflict have evolved, providing room for potential change. This essay delves into the historical context, the present state, and the prospects of interreligious conflict.
Historical Perspective
Interreligious conflict is far from a modern phenomenon. It has plagued human civilization for centuries, with religious disputes lying at the heart of numerous wars, persecutions, and disagreements. The Crusades of the Middle Ages are an illustrative example of religious wars that spanned multiple centuries. The European Wars of Religion, a series of conflicts in the 16th and 17th centuries, were rooted in religious differences and resulted in devastating consequences.
Religious conflicts have frequently intertwined with political aspirations, as leaders sought to utilize faith to consolidate their power. The Thirty Years' War in Europe stands as a testament to the interconnectedness of religion and politics, culminating in immense human suffering.
Current Landscape
In the contemporary world, we witness a dualistic interplay of positive and negative dimensions in interreligious relations. On one side, numerous religious communities ardently pursue interfaith dialogue, cooperation, and understanding. These efforts aim to unite diverse faiths around common goals such as peace, humanitarian aid, and social justice. Such endeavors facilitate the bridging of religious divides and the promotion of harmony.
Conversely, religious tensions persist in various regions. These tensions can escalate to violence and discrimination, particularly when intertwined with extremism. Acts of terror committed by radical groups, often in the name of religion, have rattled societies and generated profound fear.
Reasons for Interreligious Conflict
Divergent Belief Systems: At the core of many religious conflicts lie contrasting belief systems and interpretations. These differences can fuel misunderstandings and hostilities.
Political Exploitation: Political leaders have at times manipulated religion to advance their political agendas, leading to religious conflicts.
Historical Baggage: Past religious conflicts and grievances continue to influence present-day interreligious relations.
Economic and Social Factors: Competition for resources, economic disparities, or social inequalities can contribute to religious tensions.
Future Prospects
The future of interreligious conflict is not etched in stone. It hinges on numerous factors, and change is attainable in various ways.
Interfaith Dialogue: Continuing interfaith dialogue can foster mutual understanding, debunk stereotypes, and build trust among religious communities.
Education: The promotion of religious literacy and tolerance through education can help prevent misunderstandings and mitigate conflicts.
Government Policies: Governments play a pivotal role in either igniting or mitigating religious conflicts. Policies safeguarding religious freedom and encouraging diversity are indispensable.
Global Cooperation: International organizations and alliances can contribute to conflict resolution and peace-building efforts. Collaborative initiatives for conflict prevention are paramount.
Youth Engagement: Involving young people in dialogue and peace-building initiatives is imperative. Youth can mold the future and often exhibit greater openness to interfaith collaboration.
Religious Leadership: Religious leaders can leverage their influence to promote tolerance and peace among their followers. Interfaith collaboration among religious authorities can be transformative.
In conclusion, while history has showcased the destructiveness of interreligious conflict, we are not fated to relive its patterns. The contemporary landscape is marked by both cooperation and tensions. The prospects for interreligious relations are reliant on our collective efforts to encourage dialogue, understanding, and peaceful coexistence. By addressing the root causes of interreligious conflict and striving for positive transformation, we can aspire to a world where religious diversity is celebrated, and conflicts are resolved through peaceful means.

(593 words)











(01) What is identified as one of the primary challenges in robot research?
a) Lack of funding
b) Complex algorithms and mechanics
c) Ethical dilemmas
d) Limited collaboration

(02) What does the essay emphasize as a fundamental objective in robot research?
a) Achieving financial success
b) Resolving ethical dilemmas
c) Developing ethical guidelines
d) Approximating human-like capabilities

(03) Why is the interdisciplinary nature of robot research considered a double-edged sword?
a) It leads to faster progress
b) It creates communication and integration challenges
c) It ensures ethical considerations are met
d) It limits innovation possibilities

(04) What does the term "intricate" primarily mean in the context of robot research challenges?
a) Simple
b) Complex
c) Innovative
d) Ethical

(05) In the essay, what does "interdisciplinary" refer to in the context of robot research?
a) Limited to a single discipline
b) Involving collaboration across different disciplines
c) Focused solely on technology
d) Exclusively ethical considerations

(06) What is the main focus of the essay regarding the challenges of robot research?
a) The convenience of robotics
b) The intricacies of interdisciplinary collaboration
c) The need for ethical guidelines
d) The myriad challenges researchers face in the field

(07) According to the essay, what demands extensive testing, refinement, and safety considerations in robot research?
a) Intricate mechanics
b) Human environments
c) Advancements in technology
d) Collaboration challenges

(08) What is mentioned as a never-ending journey in robot research?
a) Developing ethical guidelines
b) Achieving human-like capabilities
c) Ensuring safety considerations
d) Navigating ethical dilemmas

(09) What can be inferred about the role of determination and creativity in robot research?
a) They are unnecessary for success
b) They are reserved for ethical dilemmas only
c) They are crucial for overcoming challenges
d) They hinder interdisciplinary collaboration

(10) Based on the essay, why must researchers constantly adapt to new tools and paradigms?
a) To avoid ethical dilemmas
b) To stay at the forefront of technological advancements
c) To limit collaboration challenges
d) To simplify the research process











Robot research is a complex and ( ① ) field, presenting a multitude of challenges that demand determination, creativity, and innovation. The primary challenge lies in the intricate nature of the problems at hand, involving complex algorithms, intricate mechanics, and ( ② ) sensor systems, necessitating a deep understanding of multiple disciplines. Integrating robots into human environments is also challenging, requiring extensive testing, refinement, and safety considerations to ensure effectiveness and safety. Technology's rapid evolution presents an ongoing challenge, compelling researchers to adapt to new tools and methods. Achieving human-like capabilities in robots, whether ( ③ ), language understanding, or social interaction, demands relentless innovation.
The ( ④ ) nature of robot research offers ( ⑤ ) opportunities but can pose communication and ( ⑥ ) challenges among researchers from diverse backgrounds. Ethical considerations are paramount, as robots raise questions about their impact on employment, privacy, and human relationships. Researchers must navigate these ( ⑦ ) and develop guidelines for responsible robot design and deployment.
In conclusion, robot research is a field filled with technical and ethical challenges, demanding innovation, determination, and meticulous attention to detail. While robotics offers the potential to ( ⑧ ) industries and improve lives, it requires staying at the ( ⑨ ) of technological advancements. Despite these challenges, it remains a thrilling and rewarding endeavor with the promise of enhancing human existence.











The Challenges of Robot Research

Robot research is a captivating and transformative field, but it is not without its complexities and difficulties.
In this essay, I will describe the myriad challenges that researchers must submit to, emphasizing the need to reserve determination, creativity, and innovation to approximate solutions in this demanding domain.
One of the primary challenges in robot research is the intricate nature of the problems to be solved.
Researchers must often navigate through a maze of complex algorithms, intricate mechanics, and multifaceted sensor systems.
These challenges require a deep understanding of various disciplines, from computer science to engineering, making robot research a demanding and intellectually rigorous endeavor.
The convenience of robot research, while evident in its potential to revolutionize industries, also poses challenges.
Developing robots that can seamlessly integrate into human environments and perform tasks autonomously is no small feat. It demands extensive testing, refinement, and safety considerations.
Ensuring that robots are both effective and safe requires meticulous attention to detail, adding to the intricacy of the research process.
Another significant challenge is the ever-evolving landscape of technology.
Researchers must constantly strive to keep up with the latest advancements, as the field of robotics is dynamic and fast-paced.
This necessitates ongoing learning and adaptation to new tools, methods, and paradigms, making it imperative to reserve a commitment to continuous education and skill development.
Approximating human-like capabilities in robots is a fundamental objective in robot research, but it is a challenge that requires relentless innovation.
Whether it's achieving human-level dexterity, understanding natural language, or replicating social interactions, researchers must continuously push the boundaries of what is technically feasible.
The pursuit of approximation is a never-ending journey filled with obstacles, setbacks, and the need for perseverance.
The interdisciplinary nature of robot research can also be a double-edged sword.
While it offers the opportunity for collaboration and diverse perspectives, it can also pose communication and integration challenges.
Researchers from various backgrounds may have different priorities and methodologies, requiring effective coordination and teamwork to overcome these barriers.
Furthermore, ethical considerations are paramount in robot research.
As robots become more capable and integrated into society, questions about their impact on employment, privacy, and even human relationships arise.
Researchers must navigate these complex ethical dilemmas and submit to the responsibility of developing ethical guidelines for robot design and deployment.
In conclusion, robot research is a field filled with numerous challenges, both technical and ethical.
Researchers must describe the intricate problems, submit to the relentless pursuit of innovation, and reserve their determination and creativity to overcome these hurdles.
While the convenience of robotics has the potential to reshape industries and improve lives, it comes with the demand for meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.
Despite these challenges, robot research remains a thrilling and rewarding endeavor, offering the promise of shaping a future where robots enhance human existence.

(476 words)











Why do leaves on many trees change their colors and fall off?

In the spring and early summer, the leaves of a tree are full of chlorophyll.
It is necessary for the tree to change water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide into its food.
Because of the chlorophyll, the leaves look green till the end of summer.
When autumn comes, chlorophyll flows from the leaves into the tree.
As it goes out, the leaves turn red, orange, and yellow.
These colors are always in the leaves, but they cannot be seen when there is much more chlorophyll.
Then, why does chlorophyll flow out of the leaves?
For some trees, saving water and this chemical is more important than using them to make their food during dry seasons.
So, in autumn, the trees even drop their leaves to keep the chlorophyll from flowing back into the leaves together with water.
The aging and dying of leaves is nature’s way of saving as much water and chlorophyll as possible from year to year.

(170 words)











Sleep a lot.

May felt hot.
May's mother put her hand on May's forehead.
She had a fever.
Her mother took her to the doctor.
The doctor told her to take medicine.
He also told her to sleep a lot.
May did as the doctor said for three days.
On the fourth day, she felt better and went to school.

(57 words)











The prehistory of medicine, predating recorded history, offers insight into early human efforts to comprehend and address health issues. This period, spanning thousands of years, witnessed the evolution of ancient healing practices, herbal remedies, and ( ① ) surgical techniques, reflecting humanity's relentless pursuit of well-being.
In the beginning, prehistoric healthcare was steeped in mysticism and spirituality, with shamans playing a crucial role as healers and spiritual guides, using rituals, herbs, and incantations for cures. The use of plants and herbs as remedies became a lasting tradition, with early humans discovering their medicinal properties through trial and error, passing this knowledge down through generations.
Even Neanderthals utilized medicinal plants like yarrow for pain relief. Prehistoric humans also began developing ( ② ) surgical techniques, evident through practices like ( ③ ), possibly used to treat head injuries or illnesses caused by evil spirits.
The transition from prehistoric medicine to ( ④ ) healthcare was gradual, marked by key milestones. Early civilizations such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Indus Valley people documented observations and treatments for diseases and injuries, laying the foundation for systematic medical practices. Advances in ( ⑤ ) knowledge, particularly through practices like ( ⑥ ), improved understanding of human anatomy.
Ancient texts like the Ebers Papyrus and the Edwin Smith Papyrus recorded medical knowledge, describing diseases, treatments, and surgical procedures, representing some of the earliest known medical literature. Specialized medical practitioners and schools, like ancient Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen, emerged, leading to a systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment that paved the way for modern medicine.
The prehistory of medicine demonstrates humanity's ( ⑦ ) quest to understand and combat illness, from mysticism and herbal remedies to ( ⑧ ) observation and medical ( ⑨ ). It's a journey through time, showcasing the human spirit's ( ⑩ ) in alleviating suffering and promoting well-being, driving the field of medicine to this day. 










The Prehistory of Medicine: Healing in the Shadows of Antiquity

The prehistory of medicine, a period that predates recorded history, offers a fascinating glimpse of the origins of human attempts to understand and manage illness, injury, and the human condition.
This era, spanning thousands of years, is marked by the evolution of ancient healing practices, the development of herbal remedies, and the cultivation of primitive surgical techniques.
It is a testament to humanity's relentless pursuit of health and well-being.
In this essay, we will delve into the prehistory of medicine, exploring the major milestones and the transition from superstition and ritual to empirical and systematic healthcare.
The Dawn of Healing
The prehistory of medicine spans a vast temporal timeframe, beginning with the emergence of Homo sapiens in Africa some 200,000 years ago.
The earliest forms of healthcare were rooted in the primitive, with a focus on mysticism and spirituality.
Shamans, often regarded as the first medical practitioners, played a vital role in these early societies.
These individuals took on the roles of healer, priest, and spiritual guide, using rituals, herbs, and incantations to cure ailments.
Herbal Remedies
One of the most enduring aspects of prehistoric medicine was the use of plants and herbs as remedies.
Early humans discovered the medicinal properties of certain plants through trial and error.
This knowledge was often passed down through generations, evolving into a body of folk wisdom about herbal remedies that still exists in various forms today.
Neanderthals, who lived in Europe and parts of Asia tens of thousands of years ago, are known to have used medicinal plants.
For example, evidence suggests that they chewed the leaves of yarrow, a plant with anti-inflammatory properties, to alleviate pain and inflammation.
Surgical Innovation
In addition to herbal remedies, prehistoric humans began to develop rudimentary surgical techniques.
Archaeological evidence, such as trepanation, the process of drilling or cutting holes into the skull, suggests that early humans performed surgeries, possibly for the treatment of head injuries or to release evil spirits believed to cause illness.
The Prehistoric Transition to Empirical Medicine
The transition from prehistoric medicine to more systematic and empirical approaches was gradual and marked by key milestones:
The Emergence of Empirical Observation: As human societies became more complex and settled, there was an increasing need for reliable healthcare. Early civilizations, such as the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Indus Valley people, began to document their observations and treatments for various diseases and injuries. These records laid the foundation for more systematic medical practices.
Advancements in Anatomical Knowledge: Over time, there was an improved understanding of human anatomy, often through practices like mummification. Egyptian medicine, for instance, demonstrated an early grasp of bodily organs and their functions.
Codification of Medical Knowledge: Ancient texts, like the Ebers Papyrus and the Edwin Smith Papyrus from ancient Egypt, recorded medical knowledge, describing diseases, treatments, and surgical procedures. These documents represent some of the earliest known medical literature.
Medical Schools and Practitioners: With the accumulation of medical knowledge, specialized practitioners began to emerge, such as ancient Greek physicians like Hippocrates and Galen. These early medical schools and the systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment paved the way for modern medicine.
The prehistory of medicine is a testament to humanity's enduring quest to understand and conquer illness.
From the earliest roots in mysticism and herbal remedies to the emergence of empirical observation and medical codification, this period witnessed the evolution of healthcare practices that laid the foundation for modern medicine.
It is a fascinating journey through time, highlighting the tenacity of the human spirit in the face of adversity, and the deep-seated desire to alleviate suffering and promote well-being, a quest that continues to drive the field of medicine to this day.

(611 words)










This happened to my aunt and it was so freaky I will never forget it.
My aunt and uncle bought a cool old Victorian building in a small town about 40 miles outside of Austin.
My aunt and uncle moved out a few years ago for work reasons and the house is now a successful bed and breakfast.
Why anyone would pay to sleep there is beyond me, though.
When my aunt and uncle still lived in the house, their daughter and her younger brother also lived there with them.
Nathan, the son, was about 7 years old at the time.
One day, my aunt was home alone with my uncle and daughter at work, Nathan at school, and the cleaning lady had already left.
My aunt was working in her study.
In this house, when you sat at the desk in the study, you could see the foot of the stairs.
She was working at the computer there when she looked up and saw a young boy sitting at the foot of the stairs, staring at her.
He was about the same age as Nathan and she assumed he was a friend of Nathan's from school.
She asked the boy his name, but he did not answer.
She thought he was strange and told him to go to school or go home.
She looked at the computer screen for a moment and when she looked up, he was gone.
When Nathan came home from school that day, she told him that one of his friends had been in the house.
He said, no way, all my friends were at school together.
As she described the boy, Nathan's face hardened.
He said, oh, yes. I know that boy.
He comes to play from my closet sometimes at night.
My aunt and cousin were upset and told him to stop talking about messed up things and to go outside and play.
A few months later, my aunt researched the history of the house and discovered that an eight-year-old boy had been run over and killed by a car in front of the house in the 1970s.
She found an old newspaper article on the Internet about the boy's death, along with a familiar photo.
The boy was the same one who had been staring at her on the stairs that day.

(390 words)










Emma Smith’s husband, Watson, was a man of habit.
So at six o’clock in the evening she put a bottle of his favorite beer on the table and looked out of the kitchen window.
She was smiling.
Today was a special day.
It was their tenth wedding anniversary, and some of their best friends were coming over to their house for a party.
There were a lot of food and drinks ready in the kitchen.
There was also a big ice statue of a man and a woman kissing on the table in the living room.
Emma was looking forward to the evening.
She was very happy.
She had a beautiful baby, a lovely home, and a husband she loved.
Watson came home and opened the door at six.
She turned round to kiss him and give him his beer.
“Sit down, Emma, I have something to say to you.”
Emma had no idea that in the next two minutes her whole life was going to change.
“I know this must be a happy day,” he began to speak after being silent for almost a minute.
“But I must tell you that I’m … I’m in love with Margaret.
I’m sorry. ... Tommy won’t miss me: he’s too young.”
She couldn’t believe her ears.
She was in a dream.
“I’ll get ready for the party.”
This was the only thing she could say.
She walked into the living room.
When she returned, she was carrying something big and heavy.
He heard her, and turned.
“What are you …?”
These were Watson Smith’s last words.
His wife hit him over the head.
At first he didn’t move.
Then he slowly fell to the floor.
Suddenly Emma began to think very clearly.
She took the ice statue back to the living room, and called the police.
Then she turned off the air conditioner, and went upstairs to change her clothes.
The police came quickly.
“Is he all right?” Emma asked.
“I’m sorry. He is dead.”
Emma screamed. “No, no, not Watson! My Watson! Oh Watson!”
Through her tears she told how she had put the baby to bed, and had come downstairs only to find Watson on the kitchen floor.
“Burglars,” said one of the policemen.
They took her into the living room.
“Sit down, Mrs. Smith. I hope you understand that we have to search the house.
We may be able to find something important.
Bob, get Mrs. Smith a drink.
It’s very hot in this room.”
The room was still very hot even at this time of night.
Suddenly an arm fell off the ice statue.
Bob went to the statue and picked up the arm from the table.
He broke it into pieces and put some into Emma’s drink.
“Can I have a glass of water, too, Mrs. Smith? It’s so hot in here.”
“I think we all need one,” said another policeman. “And with ice.”
They were all very hot and thirsty.
Emma’s friends arrived.
“Poor Emma! Poor Watson!”
They were all very kind and tried to comfort her.
“Oh, thank you, thank you,” said Emma.
“Please ... stay and have a drink. Help yourselves.”
They all had drinks.
And they all had ice.
The statue was melting away and was now only small broken pieces of ice and a pool of water on the floor.
“I wonder what the burglar hit him with,” said one guest.
“Who knows?” said another.
Emma heard this talk, and smiled into her glass.

(582 words)










Linda's Favorite Song

Linda got into the car with her dad.
After putting on her seatbelt she played her favorite song on her smartphone.
She clapped her feet.
She swayed her head with the song.
Her dad looked at her and smiled.
He liked the song too.
When the song ended, Linda played it again.
Outside the car, the setting sun was shining bright red.

(62 words)










Kate's Encounter: A Complex Connection with Bears

Kate's middle school was uniquely situated between a river in front and a vast forest at the back. It was a setting that offered an extraordinary connection to nature. Kate, always passionate about animals, held the special role of being the caretaker of the school's animal companions.
During the summer break, Kate and her fellow caretakers took turns to feed the rabbits and clean their hutches. It was a responsibility she took very seriously, as her love for animals ran deep. Each day, she would think about the welfare of the rabbits, ensuring they were happy and well cared for.
However, on her designated day, Kate was confronted with a shocking sight when she entered the rabbit hutch. The small wooden shelter had been torn apart, and there was blood on the floor. Her initial reaction was a mix of fear and confusion, not knowing what could have caused such destruction.
Shortly after, a teacher arrived to assess the situation. They examined the damage and quickly came to a true but startling conclusion – it was a bear that had been responsible.
This year, due to a lack of food in the forest, the hungry bear had ventured near the school in search of sustenance.
Kate's heart was heavy. Bears had always held a special place in her heart. She had a collection of teddy bears in her room, and her fascination with these creatures was a common theme in her life. However, this incident left her with a mix of emotions. On one hand, she knew that the bear had acted out of hunger and desperation, but on the other, it was difficult for her to reconcile the damage done to her beloved rabbits.
The encounter with the bear was a stark reminder of the complex relationships that exist in the natural world. Kate's love for animals had grown over the years, and she was well aware that sometimes nature's struggles could be harsh and unforgiving. It was a difficult lesson, but it deepened her understanding of the delicate balance that exists between humans and wildlife.

(346 words)










Unexpected Discoveries: The High School Chemistry Experiment

In a bustling high school chemistry lab, a group of ambitious teenagers named Sarah, Alex, and Emma were deeply involved in an exciting experiment. They aimed to create a special model of a chemical reaction for their science project, hoping to inspire their classmates.
As the students carefully measured and mixed different chemicals, they followed their experimental steps with great care. The room was filled with excitement and the distinct smell of the lab. Their wish for an interesting project had been granted, and they were determined to make it a success.
Amidst the precise calculations and measurements, an unexpected interruption occurred. An unsuspecting insect, a small, shiny beetle, somehow found its way into the lab. It zoomed around the room, diverting the students' attention from their experiment. There was a mix of surprise and laughter as they tried to guide the unexpected guest out.
The beetle turned out to be quite fast, and despite their best efforts, it ended up in one of the containers with an important chemical solution. The students watched in amazement as the bug dipped into the solution, completely changing the expected outcome of their experiment.
Sarah, Alex, and Emma exchanged worried looks, realizing the potential problem that had just occurred. Their carefully planned experiment was now in trouble, and their project deadline was approaching.
After a moment of surprise, the students decided to take action. They couldn't let a small insect ruin their hard work and their dream of creating a model chemical reaction. Emma carefully removed the beetle from the container using a pair of tweezers, making sure not to harm it.
Despite this unexpected hiccup, the three students persisted. They chose to repeat the experiment, making changes to their procedure to account for the presence of the insect. They understood that science often involves unexpected factors and surprises, just like the unexpected appearance of the beetle.
Their determination and ability to adapt turned out to be important lessons in the world of science. They continued with their experiment, this time including the beetle as a unique variable. To their surprise, the results were even more interesting and unexpected than they had initially thought.
In the end, Sarah, Alex, and Emma not only successfully completed their experiment but also discovered a fascinating new model of a chemical reaction. Their story became a topic of discussion among their peers, reminding everyone that sometimes, the most important lessons in science come from unexpected situations and the ability to adapt to unforeseen challenges.
The journey of these high school students, from initial surprise to eventual success, showed their determination and resilience in the face of unexpected challenges. It was a memorable lesson in both science and life, proving that even a small insect could have a significant impact on the path of discovery.

(467 words)










The Lost Kitten

In a quiet little neighborhood, there lived a small kitten named Whiskers. Whiskers was a curious little cat who loved to explore the world around her. She had a soft, fluffy coat and bright green eyes that sparkled with wonder.
Every day after school, Lucy, a kind-hearted girl, would amuse herself by playing with Whiskers in the backyard. They would chase butterflies, and Whiskers would often imitate Lucy's playful laughter with her tiny mews.
Whiskers was a happy kitten, but one day, tragedy struck. As Lucy was about to head out to play with Whiskers, a sudden storm darkened the sky. The thunder rumbled loudly, and the rain poured down heavily. Lucy was not allowed to go outside in such bad weather, and she sadly watched as the raindrops splattered against her window.
Whiskers, however, had other plans. She had a natural instinct to explore and often slipped out through a small gap in the back door. Not understanding the danger of the storm, Whiskers ventured into the wet and windy world outside.
Lucy and her family searched frequently and tirelessly for Whiskers, calling her name as they braved the pouring rain. They visited their neighbors, put up "Lost Kitten" posters, and did everything they could to find their beloved pet.
Days turned into weeks, and Whiskers was nowhere to be found. Lucy's heart was heavy with sadness, and she missed her furry friend terribly. She couldn't help but blame herself for not being there to protect Whiskers from the storm.
As time passed, the neighborhood children tried to amuse Lucy, but her smile had faded. Whiskers had been more than just a pet; she had been a source of comfort and joy for Lucy.
One day, as Lucy sat by her window, gazing at the rain, a soft meow caught her attention. She jumped up and ran to the door, hoping against hope. And there, standing drenched on the doorstep, was Whiskers. She was wet, cold, and hungry, but she was alive.
Lucy scooped Whiskers up in her arms, tears of joy streaming down her face. She realized that sometimes, sad things happen in life, but they can be followed by moments of immeasurable happiness. The storm had separated them, but it had also brought them back together.
From that day on, Lucy and Whiskers cherished each other even more. They no longer took their time together for granted, and their bond grew stronger. They learned that even in the saddest of times, there can be a glimmer of hope and a happy ending waiting to be discovered.
And so, in the end, this story of loss and reunion taught Lucy that the love between a pet and its owner is a powerful and enduring bond that can withstand any storm.










Balancing Law, Education, and Stardom: A Professor-Lawyer's Journey

My mother, a lawyer and a university professor, led a hectic life, but she always made time for fun and relaxation. On weekends, she'd invite students over for lively parties, sharing laughter and joy. These gatherings were like a haven amidst her busy schedule, but everything changed when she unexpectedly gained fame through a television interview.
The press took a keen interest in her story, resulting in numerous interview requests. As a lawyer with a unique approach to her cases and a respected professor in her field, she was soon thrust into the limelight. Discussions of making a movie based on her life added to the frenzy, making her schedule even busier.
Amidst this whirlwind, she was left with no time to serve her usual parties. Her once-regular gatherings with students, where she would often deliver impromptu lectures, became a rarity. The loss was deeply felt, as her parties had been a cornerstone of our lives, full of intellectual exchange and the opportunity to collect varied viewpoints.
The change in her life had both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, she felt proud and honored to be recognized for her work and accomplishments. The prospect of a movie being made about her was an exciting and unique objective that she had never imagined.
However, the transition from a comfortable and manageable routine to a life under the public eye was a serious adjustment. She had to learn how to handle press, the degree of intrusion that came with fame, and how to protect her privacy while staying true to herself.
As she navigated this process, she discovered that fame came with its own set of tricks and challenges. A lack of time for her students was the most significant shortcoming. It was a tricky situation, and she needed to find a method to balance her various roles.
Moreover, the influx of requests and demands nearly locked her into a life that was constantly on the go, with little time for her family and herself. The balance she had once maintained had been blocked by the demands of her newfound celebrity status.
Nonetheless, she continued to be honest about her experiences and remained true to her policies and values. She also sought permission from the university to accommodate her changed schedule and responsibilities.
In the end, despite the shortage of time for her parties, her impact continued to grow. Her record of achievements and her influence as a lawyer, professor, and public figure became an inspiring article in the story of her life. She continued to polish her reputation while responding thoughtfully to the opportunities and challenges that fame had brought into her life.

(445 words)










The Enigma of Endless Melodies: Exploring the Innate Reverie of Repetition

The incessant loop of a single song in one's mind can be profoundly intriguing. It's like a recurring reverie that captures our thoughts, sometimes leaving us in a state of deep introspection. The reasons for this phenomenon are innately tied to human psychology, the mysterious workings of our brains, and the melodies that churn in our souls.
To understand why a particular tune becomes a philanthropic resident in the corridors of our mind, we must delve into the intricate interplay of various factors.
One crucial aspect is the brain's affinity for repetition. Our brains tend to favor patterns, and music often embodies these patterns. When a catchy melody or a set of lyrics plays on repeat, our brain activates specific neural pathways, almost like a musical philanthropist, generously donating its resources to maintain the cycle.
Emotions play a vital role in this process. Certain songs evoke powerful feelings and memories, forming a deep emotional connection with the listener. This emotional resonance can lead to the constant replay of the song, as the mind seeks solace in the familiar reverie of those feelings, offering a profound experience with each repetition.
The incomplete processing of music can also be a contributing factor. Sometimes, the brain may grasp only a part of a song, leaving the rest unresolved.
This unresolved portion can continually churn within the mind as it tries to make sense of the music, creating a feedback loop of mental reverie.
Repetition and practice are key components as well. Musicians, for instance, may find that their practice sessions etch a song deeply into their minds. The repetition of scales and lyrics imprints the song onto their memory, leading to its recurring presence as they continually hone their skills.
Stress and a lack of focus can also make a song loop in our heads. When our minds are preoccupied or under duress, our brain might seek refuge in the soothing embrace of a familiar tune. The song becomes a philanthropic gesture from our subconscious, attempting to alleviate the tension and provide an auditory reverie for the overburdened mind.
In conclusion, the relentless replay of a song in one's mind is a complex symphony orchestrated by a multitude of factors. It's a deeply profound phenomenon, influenced by the intricacies of the human psyche, the melodies that churn in our hearts, and the innate predisposition of our brains to favor patterns. Like a generous philanthropist of sound, the song continues to reverberate in our minds, creating an enduring auditory reverie.

(416 words)










Mimi's First Day of High School: A New Chapter Begins

On Mimi's first day of high school, she felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. High school was a new chapter in her life, and she knew it would be a time of growth and discovery.
As she entered the school, Mimi was filled with anticipation. The main building was vast, and she wondered if she would find her classes without getting lost. Not yet accustomed to the layout, she hoped she wouldn't accidentally end up in the garage or the common areas.
Mimi's first class was in the English department, and the teacher was unlike any she had encountered in her previous school. The teacher had a true passion for literature, and Mimi found herself thinking about the exciting journey that awaited her.
During lunch, Mimi met other students who were as new to high school as she was. They talked about their interests, and Mimi discovered that they had a lot in common. Some of them had always dreamed of visiting the local aquarium or watching a game at the stadium.
In the afternoon, Mimi found herself in a special club meeting. It was the drama club, and she had always dreamed of being on stage. The opportunity to act and be part of something unique was something she had looked forward to for a long time.
Sometimes, Mimi felt a bit overwhelmed by the new environment and the workload. However, she knew that she had to fight her insecurities and give her best in her studies.
As the day was over and Mimi made her way back home, she felt a sense of accomplishment. High school had begun, and it was the start of an exciting journey. Mimi knew that there would be challenges along the way, but she was ready to face them head-on and make the most of her time in high school.

(308 words)










A Dream Takes Flight: Lily's Journey of Resilience and Inspiration

Once upon a time, in a charming village in the countryside, there was a young girl named Lily who had dreams of becoming an example for her friends to follow. Her fascination with insects was the backdrop to her big dreams.
From a young age, Lily would eagerly ask her parents for books and encyclopedias about insects. She would read them carefully, soaking in all the information about the tiny creatures. Her room was like a little science lab, filled with jars of preserved insects and drawings of what she observed.
One sunny morning, the village was filled with excitement about a rare, shiny butterfly that had been seen near the forest. Lily, driven by her dreams and her strong love for insects, decided to go on an adventure to catch this special creature. With her butterfly net and strong determination, she entered the woods.
Lily spent hours exploring the forest, ready to catch the perfect butterfly. She saw the beautiful insect, its colorful wings shining in the sunlight. Her heart raced with excitement as she approached it carefully. But in her eagerness, she tripped over a tree root hidden in the bushes and fell to the ground.
Lily felt pain as her knee got scraped and started bleeding. Tears filled her eyes, but she didn't give up. She got up slowly and went back home, holding the precious butterfly in her net.
Her injury changed things for Lily. While she took care of her hurt knee, she realized that being a role model didn't always require big adventures. She could show resilience and determination right in her own village.
Even though she couldn't chase insects actively for a while, Lily used her energy to share her knowledge about insects with other kids in the village. She organized workshops and taught them about the interesting world of insects. She became a mentor to many, inspiring them to explore and learn about the natural world.
As time went on, Lily became well-known in her community as an example of determination and knowledge. She continued to be a source of inspiration, not just for her friends but for anyone who had big dreams and didn't let setbacks stop them.
Lily's dream of becoming a role model may have taken an unexpected turn that day in the forest, but her injury helped her discover a different kind of role model she could be for those around her. And in doing so, she proved that sometimes, the most meaningful dreams are the ones that take flight when we least expect them to.

(428 words)










The Adventure in Candyland

In a colorful and magical land called Candyland, there lived two best friends, Lily and Ben. Candyland was a place filled with candy mountains, chocolate rivers, and gumdrop forests, making it the perfect place for adventure.
One sunny morning, Lily and Ben decided to explore the candy forests. They put on their candy cane hiking boots and set off with their candy bags in tow. Their goal was to find the legendary Candy Apple Tree, which was said to produce the sweetest apples in the entire land.
As they ventured deeper into the gumdrop forest, they stumbled upon a talking jellybean bush. The jellybean bush could imitate any sound it heard, so Lily and Ben asked it to mimic their favorite songs. They danced to the tunes, amused by the jellybean bush's sweet melodies.
Continuing their journey, they entered a licorice cave, where they met a friendly candy dragon named Draco. Draco could operate his own candy fireworks show, lighting up the cave with spectacular sugar explosions. Lily and Ben watched in awe as the cave transformed into a mesmerizing light display.
With Draco's help, they finally reached the Candy Apple Tree. Its branches were filled with the juiciest, most colorful apples they had ever seen. They plucked a few and tasted them. The apples were so delicious that they couldn't resist having an apple-eating contest, and they laughed frequently as apple juice flew everywhere.










The Awkward Silence of Decease

When we lose a loved one, we often find ourselves in an awkward and emotional situation. Decease, or death, is a natural part of life, yet it is one of the most challenging experiences we face.
During times of grief, conversations may become awkward, and words may fail to express the depth of our emotions. However, it is essential to have candid discussions about our feelings and memories to navigate the grieving process.
Passing out condolences and providing support to those who are grieving is an act of compassion. It allows us to candidly express our sympathy and offer a shoulder to lean on during difficult times.
In conclusion, while death can create awkward moments, candid conversations and support are essential in helping us cope with the loss of a loved one and begin the healing process.










Navigating the Digital Age

In today's fast-paced digital world, the ability to orient oneself effectively is paramount. The rapid advancement of technology can sometimes perplex even the most tech-savvy individuals. However, by developing strong digital literacy skills, we can pinpoint the tools and knowledge necessary to navigate this digital landscape.
The digital age often presents challenges that can initially bowl us over. The constant influx of information and the ever-changing digital landscape can be overwhelming. But with the right guidance and education, we can iron out the difficulties and become proficient in using technology to our advantage.
One of the key aspects of digital literacy is the ability to pinpoint reliable sources of information in the vast sea of online content. This skill helps us avoid falling into the trap of misinformation, which can perplex us and lead us down the wrong path.
In conclusion, in today's digital age, the ability to orient ourselves, iron out technological challenges, and pinpoint trustworthy information sources is crucial for success and well-informed decision-making.










The Life of Evelyn:
A Journey of Curiosity, Exploration, and Love for Nature

In a quiet little town in the countryside, there was a spirited woman named Evelyn, who was in her 70s. She had always been interested in the world around her, and her childhood was full of endless adventures.
When she was young, Evelyn was really interested in insects. She would spend a long time in her backyard, closely watching the small creatures that lived in her garden. Her favorite thing to do was catching fireflies on warm summer nights, their gentle light shining on her young face. Those special moments made her feel amazed and curious, and they made her love nature even more.
One sunny day, Evelyn remembered the time she asked her parents for her first microscope. She was really excited when they surprised her with the shiny tool, which allowed her to explore a whole new world. With a sparkle in her eye, she started exploring the tiny world of insects, discovering their amazing details and beauty.
During her school years, Evelyn's love for insects grew into a deep interest in entomology. She tried different ways to attract and observe various species, and she wrote down what she found in a well-used journal. Her room was filled with a collection of butterfly specimens, showing her dedication to these delicate creatures.
Evelyn's life was not just about insects, though. She remembered her school days with fondness, where she made lifelong friends and learned important life lessons. She was the leader of the student council, guiding her peers with wisdom that was beyond her years. Those were the times when she started building her confidence and leadership skills.
As time passed, Evelyn's love for insects never faded. She became a well-known entomologist, traveling around the world to study rare species. Her journeys took her to exciting places like jungles and remote islands, with each expedition being an exciting part of her life story.
Now, in her 70s, Evelyn sat in her comfortable study, surrounded by shelves filled with insect specimens and journals full of her discoveries. She looked back on her journey with gratitude for the memories she had collected. From her innocent childhood bug hunts to the excitement of her global adventures, Evelyn's life was an amazing and fulfilling tale of curiosity, exploration, and a deep love for the wonders of the natural world.









The Chatty Pet

In a small town, there lived a boy named Tom. Tom had a deep love for pets, and one day, he stumbled upon the most peculiar pet at the animal shelter. It was a chatty rabbit named Mimi.
Mimi was unlike any ordinary rabbit. She could speak human language! Tom decided to bring Mimi home and spend time with her.
One day, when Tom returned from school, he found Mimi operating the TV. Mimi was using the remote control to switch channels and was thoroughly enjoying some animated shows. Tom was astonished, but he decided to join in and have fun with Mimi.
As time went on, Tom discovered that Mimi could imitate human voices. She would mimic their teacher and friends, surprising Tom. Tom thought it would be amusing to take Mimi to show-and-tell at school.
The day of the school presentation arrived, and Tom proudly introduced Mimi, the talking and channel-surfing rabbit, to his classmates. Mimi, in her tiny rabbit voice, imitated their teacher's stern commands, causing everyone to burst into laughter.
Word of Mimi's talents soon spread, and they frequently found themselves invited to birthday parties and gatherings. Mimi's imitations and TV remote skills never failed to amuse and entertain.
And so, in their small town, Tom and his extraordinary pet, Mimi, became local celebrities, sharing laughter and joy wherever they went.









The Candid Conversation about Corruption

Corruption is a topic that often makes people feel awkward, yet having candid discussions about it is crucial for addressing this societal issue. Corruption, in essence, refers to the dishonest and unethical conduct of individuals in positions of power.
Decease, on the other hand, reminds us of the consequences of corruption. When resources are misappropriated, essential services may suffer, and the well-being of the population can be compromised. It is essential to candidly acknowledge the harmful effects of corruption on society.
Passing out information about corrupt practices and holding those responsible accountable are vital steps in combating corruption. Transparency and candid reporting of corrupt activities are essential tools in the fight against this pervasive problem.
In conclusion, addressing corruption requires candid conversations and decisive actions. By acknowledging its existence and working together to combat it, we can strive for a more just and ethical society.












The Power of Surprises

Life has a unique way of throwing surprises at us when we least expect it. These unexpected twists can often bowl us over, leaving us in awe of the mysteries of existence. The ability to be easily perplexed by the wonders of the world is what keeps our sense of wonder alive.
To truly appreciate the beauty of these surprises, we must first pinpoint the moments when they occur. It's easy to become so preoccupied with our daily routines that we miss the subtle signs of something extraordinary happening around us. Pinpointing these moments allows us to orient ourselves towards a more mindful existence.
However, not all surprises are positive. Some may perplex us, challenging our beliefs and forcing us to reevaluate our perspectives. Yet, it is through these moments of perplexity that we can grow and iron out the wrinkles in our understanding of the world.
In conclusion, life's surprises, whether they bowl us over in delight or perplex us with their complexity, are essential for our personal growth and the enrichment of our experiences.



























































