NH3-5-3 Step 2-1 Listening


1. Non-violent protest is the legacy which Gandhi left. (Non-violent protest is the legacy. + Gandhi left it.)
非暴力の抗議活動は、ガンジーが残した 遺産です。

2. These are books that I found on the internet. (These are books. +I found them on the internet.)
これらは、私がインターネットで見つけた 本です。

3. This is the picture which Nancy drew for me. (This is the picture. +Nancy drew it for me.)
これは、ナンシーが私のために描いてくれた 絵です。

4. Kathy gave me the cake that she made yesterday. (Kathy gave me the cake. + She made it yesterday.)
キャシーは、彼女が昨日作った ケーキを私にくれました。

5. This is the dog which I found on the street last week. (This is the dog. + I found it on the street last week.)
これは、私が通りで先週見つけた 犬です。

6. Tsukuba is the city that we visited many times two years ago. (Tsukuba is the city. + We visited it many times two years ago.)
つくばは、2年前に何度も私たちが訪れた 町です。

7. Wind power is a kind of energy which we can use more in the future. (Wind power is a kind of energy. + We can use it more in the future.)
風力発電は、将来的に私たちがもっと利用できる 種類のエネルギーです。

8. I want to buy a computer that I can use in my room. (I want to buy a computer. + I can use it in my room.)
私は、自分の部屋で使える パソコンを買いたい。

9. This is a phone which I can carry around. (This is a phone. + I can carry it around.)
これは、私が持ち歩ける 電話です。

10. Otoshidama is some money that a child gets as a New Year present. (Otoshidama is some money. + A child gets it as a New Year present.)
お年玉は、子供が新年の贈り物としてもらう お金のことです。

Step 2-2 Sorting 1 へ