NH3-6-2 Step 2 Sorting Answer

1. もしお客さんが来られないなら、この劇場はつぶれます。
If the audience were unable to come, the theater would go out of business.

2. もし旅客機が飛べないなら、観光業は衰退するでしょう。
If airliners were unable to fly, the tourism industry would decline.

3. もしこれ以上この船に乗客が乗れば、沈没する可能性が高くなります。
If there were more passengers on this ship, the chances of it sinking would increase.

4. もしタンクローリーの運転手が不足すれば、国中で、燃料が不足するでしょう。
If there were not enough tanker drivers, the whole country would run out of fuel.

5. もしこれ以上入院患者が増えれば、ベッドが足りなくなります。
If there were more patients in the hospital, there would not be enough beds.

6. もし原油価格の高騰が続くことになれば、国民は疲弊するでしょう。
If the price of oil were to continue to rise, the people would be exhausted.

7. もしパンデミックが終息することになれば、海外旅行に行けますよ。
If the pandemic were to end, we would be able to travel abroad.

8. もし私があなたなら、アメリカに行った後にフランスに行くことでしょう。
If I were you, I would go to France after going to the US.

9. もし私にキリンのような長い首があったなら、高い木の上にいる鳥に、こんにちはと言うでしょう。
If I had a long neck like a giraffe, I would say hello to the birds in the tall trees.

10. もしロボットがもっと多くの仕事をするようになったら、人間の仕事は減るでしょね。
If robots were to do more work, there would be fewer jobs for humans.

Step 2-3 Sorting 2 へ
Step 2-4 Translation へ