NH3-6-2 Step 3 Sorting Answer

1. 彼が私なら、どう考えるでしょうか?
What would he think if he were me?

2. もし気温が上がることになると、水位の上昇で陸地面積が減少するでしょう
If temperatures were to rise, the land area would decrease due to rising water levels.

3. もし化石燃料を全く使わなくなると、私たち人間が利用しているかなりの数の物が無くなることでしょう。
If we were to stop using fossil fuels altogether, quite a few of the things we humans use would disappear.

4. もし森林火災が増えると、二酸化炭素の排出が増え、酸素が減るでしょう。
If there were more forest fires, there would be more carbon dioxide emissions and less oxygen.

5. もし北極の氷がもっと減ると、ホッキョクグマの生息場所が減るでしょう。
If there were more ice loss in the Arctic, there would be less habitat for polar bears.

6. もし南極の氷がもっと減ると、ペンギンの生息地はどうなるのでしょうか?
What would happen to the habitat of penguins if the ice in Antarctica were to shrink further?

7. もし化石燃料を使わなくなったら、私たちの生活は成り立つのでしょうか?
If we were to stop using fossil fuels, would we be able to make a living?

8. プラスチックを使わなくなったら、私の周りにあるほとんどのものが無くなるでしょう。
If we were to stop using plastic, most of what I see around me would disappear.

9. もし食料供給の増加が世界人口の増加に追い付かなくなったら、何が起きるのでしょうか?
What would happen if the increase in food supply were unable to keep up with the increase in world population?

10. もしホッキョクグマやペンギンたちと話ができたら、彼らは何と言うだろうか?
If we were able to talk to polar bears and penguins, what would they say?

Step 3-3 Sorting 2 へ
Step 3-4 Translation へ